161-170, Idk what to call this pat

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161. Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is the only permanent snowcap within sight of the equator.

162. The average person can live for eleven days without water, assuming an average temperature of 60 degrees fahrenheit.

163. 'Vodka' is Russian for 'little water'.

164. Ten per cent of the salt mined in the world each year is used to de-ice the roads in America.

165. Alexander Graham Bell never phoned his wife or mother because they were deaf.

166. In 1956, 80% of all U.S. households had a refrigerator, but only 8% of British households had one!

167. We know more about the surface of the Moon than we do about the bottom of the ocean.

168. The skeleton of Jeremy Bentham is present at all important meetings of the University of London.

169. If you suspend three grains of sand in a large sports arena, such as Madison Square Garden in New York, the arena will be more closely packed with sand than our galaxy is with stars.

170. The Earth experiences 50,000 earthquakes each year.

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