Fact 101-110, Nature

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101. The human eye blinks an average of 4,200,000 times each year.

102. During a hurricane, 90% of the people who die end up dying from drowning.

103. Between evaporation and falling as precipitation, a droplet of water may travel thousands of miles.

104. An elephant can use its tusks to dig for ground water. An adult elephant needs to drink around 210 litres of water a day.

105. Bell peppers are usually sold green, but they can also be red, purple or yellow.

106. A mosquito has 47 teeth.

107. Ants stretch when they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day.

108. When hunting alone, the wolf catches small animals such as squirrels, hares, chipmunks, raccoons or rabbits. However, a pack of wolves can hunt very large animals like moose, caribou and yaks.

109. Tomatoes are very high in the carotenoid Lycopene; eating foods with carotenoids can lower your risk of cancer.

110. In 1958, the United States Coast Guard icebreaker East Wind measured the world's tallest known iceberg off western Greenland. At 550 feet it was only 5 feet 6 inches shorter than the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C.

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