Liar Simon x reader (1)

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A/N yes Simon was a dick but baisknsjs he is great!

Y/N pov: 

Summer was pretty shit. My friends were busy most of the summer so I was stuck in my room sweating like hell while everyone was out having fun. I read a couple of books and did my summer homework but other than that I did nothing. So much for my last high school summer break. 

The first day of school is always the worst for me, I was on edge all night and this morning I feel like I'm going to be sick. I managed to make it to the school doors without barfing my guts out all over the sidewalk thankfully. "Hey y/n!!" Janae waved from the lockers as I waved back. "I haven't seen you all summer!" She said while looking me up and down to see if anything about me had changed. "Haha yeah! Like your shirt by the way!" I said smiling. "So what have you been up to this summer?" She said. "Oh haha- nothing much." I said scratching the back of my neck. "Yeah same here."  Her eyes we're looking around the place like she was searching for someone. "Who you looking for?" I said. "Simon, he's not usually this late." Most people hate Simon at school, and I don't blame them. He knows everything about everyone and he will go out of his way to make sure it's out to public. He hasn't written anything about me so I don't have a reason to hate him. But I mean I'm not necessarily worried about him writing about me anyway, what's there even to write. "Oh jackpot found him!" She said pointing at him in the corner. "Oh Coolio!" I said waving her off. "Em see you at lunch yeah?" "Sure see ya!" 

The morning was pretty chill, just a lot of start of year confusion and all that but overall not as bad as I expected. I spotted Simon and Janae sat on a table by the windows so I walked over to them and sat down next to janae. Simon looked up from his computer for a couple of seconds then straight back to the screen. "oh my lord y/n today has been so stressful and it's only lunch" Janae groaned. "Ugh I feel you girl" I said back. I caught Simon looking up at me again but before I could say anything  his eyes darted back to his screen. 

*school bell* 

"Ughh bio next" Janae groaned and waved us bye.

"What do you have next?" Simon asked me bluntly. It startled me because me and him had never had a proper conversation before. "Oh Spanish I think." "I'll walk you." He said again. The walk was kind of awkward, there wasn't even small talk just silence. "Soooo, how was your summer?" I asked. " pretty chilled I didn't do much." He said. "Ah same here." "Thanks for walking me." I smiled. "Sure, anytime." He said walking off. 

I hope he's not just being nice to me to get a secret or something I thought. 

*end of school bell* 

finally. Spending hours on end in your room really does make you forget how exhausting a school day is. I packed some stuff up from my locker and started walking home. 



Simon: hey 

Y/N: howdy 

Simon: can you help me with something?


What the hell would he need help with, I just  met the dude for gods sake. 



Simon: can you help me with something?

Y/n:  depends. Who's asking?

Simon: can you just come over

Y/n: where do you live

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