So do you have a boyfriend? Wayne x reader (2)

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A/N: hey guys! I was meant to post yesterday but I got knocked out and my head swelled up so I had to go to the hospital😭 but anyways here's part 2!

Y/n pov: 

Once I got home I fell straight into bed and a few hours passed by until I was woken up by a knock at my door. Shit man is it the school? I looked over my window and instead of  the principal or something it was wayne! Now that's a relief, I wonder what he wants. "Hey y/n." He said smiling as I opened the door. "Wayne?" I said. As I payed more attention to his face I noticed his eyes were bloodshot, hes high as fuck. "Dude what did you take!" I said grabbing his arm and dragging him down onto my sofa. "Eh the stuff you know" he said laughing to himself. "Oh the stuff yeah?" I laughed. "Mm." He mumbled. "Okay well wayne my mam is gonna be home soon do you want me to walk you home or whatever?" I said standing up. He just looked up at me and smiled, no answer. Just a smile. I managed to get him out the front door and walking back to his own place. "okay bye wayne!" I exclaimed. "Bye y/n." He yawned in response and walked inside.  I scolded myself for thinking how much I wanted to kiss him then. Hate this shit, I mean I barley know the guy. 

*the next day*

I didn't see Wayne on the way to school this morning, hm? I wonder where he could be at. It don't matter. Even though I live in the most shittiest town I could be in the walk to school is pretty decent if you pay attention. It's not like I'm walking through the most beautiful town in the world with huge buildings with gold decorations and pink flowers, but it suits me. I heard shoes behind me so I turned around directly into Wayne's head and we both landed in the snow laughing our asses off. "Wayne the fuck man!?" I laughed. "Me!? Blame yourself." He said flicking me on the forehead . "Hey Look." He said pointing at a van that said "boobs" on and started snickering. It wasn't even that funny but I couldn't stop laughing. "You sound like a dying grandpa." Wayne said wheezing. "Thank you, I'm flattered." I said back. "Your welcome." 

The walk to school was normal you know, just talking about random stuff. When we got to the school he said"Well see you when I see you."saluting and walking off. Into the school. See you when I see you? That's a new one. I still can't even imagine how I used to be terrified of him, like everyone is! He's not even all that bad. I like Wayne. 

A/N: part 3 hopefully tomorrow! I'm sorry this is so short my head really hurts and it's hard to concentrate ahhh! Also please give me suggestions for more stories about characters mark has played I would love to write your suggestions!

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