so do you have a boyfriend? Wayne x reader (1)

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Wayne has my hearttt 

Y/n pov: 

Monday morning is the worst feeling I've ever felt, seriously! School is hell especially in Brockton, you don't know if your gonna be coming home with a busted lip, black eye or if your even gonna come home. Luckily for me the worst that's ever happened to me is a  broken finger and it was purely my fault. I broke a dumb guys mail box so he got pretty mad or whatever. Fuck him though I don't care. But anyways Monday. I was walking to school like every normal person does you know but surprise surprise there were some older guys beating up some kid, the kid looked to be my age 16/15. One thing you never do is join into fights, no matter who it is just don't do it man. It's basically a suicide attempt. So I did what you would do if you had any sanity left and walked away. The kids face looked familiar for some reason? I turned around again to look it him. Wayne!? Wayne. He beat up some kids for me in 5th grade, I remember it so well! I never said thanks either. That's a pretty shit thing to do, I mean he got a Broken nose! It don't matter if I'm a few minutes late to school I want to speak to him, after he's finished though obviously. 

he looked up at me with a bloody nose and a black eye, poor dude. "Hey, you alright there?" I said walking over. He had only just noticed me there so he was quite shocked. "Yeah yeah I'm all good." "You sure? You looked pretty fucked." I said looking him up and down. "It don't bother me." He said grabbing his backpack from the snow and swinging it over his shoulder. "You go school here?" I said looking up at him. "sometimes." "Yes? Or no?" "Sometimes" he said bluntly. "I'm Wayne." He said shaking my hand. Formal much. "Wayne, nice to meet ya I'm y/n." I said shaking his hand back. "You going this way?" I spoke. "The school way, yeah." He said beginning to walk. We walked in silence for a little while didn't bother me though silence is good. "Oh thanks for beating up them kids for me in 5th grade by the way." "6th." He said bluntly. "Whatever. Do you have a problem with me or sum?" I exclaimed. "no not really." He said. "Well nice talking to ya Wayne." I said smiling. "Nice talking with you too y/n." He said smiling back. First time I had ever seen the guy smile. I waved and walked away. I didn't have many friends at school, to be honest I wouldn't even call them friends. They are just people I know, they are just there so I make it out of the school doors alive. they don't know that. And they probably will never find out and I like it that way. "Hey." I said walking up to f/n ( friends name) "oh hi y/n" they said smiling. "How was your weekend." I said acting like I actually gave a shit. "Eh nothing much happened." They said sighing. "Same." "I saw you walk through with Wayne? You trying to suck up to him so he has your back or something?" They said laughing. "He's actually a pretty cool guy." I said shrugging. "Pfft sure tell that to the guy who got hot pasta poured over his head, or tell that to that person over there." They said pointing at a person who just got there teeth knocked out by a trumpet?? WHAT THE FUCK. "Well- what I meant was he's cool when you get to know him. I think." I said embarrassed. "Hey don't worry about it I don't blame you for trying to get him on your side, I might even give it a go myself." I didn't bother to argue back so I just laughed. "Well I'll see you at lunch." "Bye!" 

Wayne got called into the principals office for the "incident" I was going to try and talk to him but I probably won't be seeing  him for a while now so I just walked to class. 

After first period I already felt like I was dying, I can't go another hour in this shit hole I thought. The punishment for skipping isn't that bad here. I don't even think there is one to be honest. they don't even give a crap. Eh fuck it. I climbed out of one of the bathroom windows and onto the football pitch where I saw Wayne- litter picking? The heck? He spotted me jump out of the window so I decided to walk over. "Hey." I said smiling. "Hi" he said smiling back. "Why you litter picking? I thought you got suspended or something?" I questioned. "Dumb community service." He sighed. "Community service for knocking some little shits teeth out?" I said laughing. "Pretty much." He said laughing back. "Well damn picking up some trash is gonna really change your thoughts on the fucks in our school ain't it wayney boy!" I said patting him on the back. "Well you know what Wayne I think you have changed! Your a whole new person!" I said jokingly. "Never in my whole life I knew you were like this." He said laughing. "Well the more you know huh?" I said smiling. "Well I gotta go before someone sees me." I sighed. "Well I'll see you tomorrow right?" He questioned. "You bet!" 

A/N: part two of this will hopefully be out tomorrow! I hope this all made sense because in some parts y/n is being sarcastic but I don't know if I made it clear? I hope so. But anyways bye!

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