A Human?!

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          I walk into my office, slam the door shut behind me and begin to pace back and forth. I bet Father has heard the news by now of what I've done, and is heading here now to scold me. I didn't even take the time to change out of my battle armor or stop by my room. I stop pacing and walk over in front of my desk. I look past my desk out the floor to ceiling window behind it. The night stars shining brightly over the capitol city. I take my belt off and lay my long sword on the desk top. My short sword is missing from my second sheath. I was so confused and overwhelmed I didn't take the time to get it back from the human. Looking down at my blade I hear the door open behind me.

               "What the hell?!" My Father yells from behind me as he enters. I turn around to see him and my Mother storming into my office with my body guard Jarolt closing the door behind them.

               "A human?" My Mother questions me as I turn around. As it is now late into the evening they are both in their silk pajama sets. My Father in a white button top and long pants with light gray slippers. His hair a mess as the news obviously woke them up. My Mother in a long flowing white silk night gown and small white jeweled slippers. She has a white silk bonnet covering her black hair. Just with a robe over their shoulders to stroll about the castle in.

               "It's not as simple as that," I begin. I rub my face with my hands in frustration. "Do you think I would want to bring a human here?"

               "Then why did you?!" My Father fumes!

               "Because I didn't know what else to do?!" I yell back at him.

               "About what?" My Mother looks angry with me. "What about this one human made you bring her into the holy capitol?!" She begins yelling at me as well from around my Father.

               "The demons were after her!" They both look shocked at me.

               "What?" My Mother questions with a softer voice.

               "This human can hold holy light as well."

               "Okay now," my Father begins to question me with disbelief in his voice shaking his head.

               "Look!" I point back to my belt still on the desk. "The human took my short sword and held it in arms with me." My parents look past me to see my short sword missing from it's sheath. After years and years of training they know I would never simply drop my weapon on the battlefield. "It wasn't a normal border patrol," I explain to them. "The human is something." My Father looks to my Mother. Being the brilliant scholar my Mother is, looking for a history of such an event on her face. She looks back to him just as shocked. "I didn't know what else to do with her."

               My Mother's eyes wonder through the room as she begins to think to herself. "No, you did the right thing son if what you say is true." My Mother begins to ponder what we should do next.

               "Yes," my Father trails off. "Where is the human now?" He looks back to me.

               "The human was wounded badly so she's with Madam Wren." I lean back against my desk and cross my arms over my chest. I begin to ponder the situation we're in as well.

               "Good," my Mother still looks beyond thinking. "The human stays with her till we can find a suitable place for her to stay safe and confirm what she is and what she can do." 

               "Yes," my Father agrees with her. "Till then no one says a word." He looks sternly at me.

               "Of course," I agree.

              "Good," he confirms.

              They take their leave out of my office leaving me to my own thoughts about tonight. Leaning against my desk as the events of the night play through my head over and over again. I lean my head back and look up at my office ceiling. I notice the beautiful scenes pained in gold leaf. The beautiful nature scenes with leaves and woodland animals. How did the human know the demons were chasing her? Why were demons chasing this human? How could a human ever wield holy light? Do humans even know what holy light is? Were they even aware of it? The human seemed so confused and scared about what was going on around her. Why did the human sacrifice herself? Why not escape with everyone else? Why not let me take the brunt of the fight alone?

            "What a curious creature..." I say to myself quietly into the night. I never have notice all the beautiful details in my office. What an interesting night.

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