Dancing In The Night

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        "I cannot believe you!" My Mother yelled at me. "Aria could have died!"
        "It wasn't that bad of a situation!" I defend myself from a chair in my Father's office. "She's with Madam Wren getting healed. She'll be fine by tomorrow morning."
        "And what if she wasn't okay?! What if you didn't make it to her in time!? What if she crashed and was seriously hurt in the arena?! How would you feel then?!" My Mother berates me.
      "Now now dear," my Father interjects. "There's no need to hound the boy on hypotheticals." My Mother huffs and puffs.
        After many hours explaining the day's events to my parents in my Father's study the old elemental finally walks through the door. It's been many hours later that we have spent talking about what the next move is with Aria. The office is only illuminated by my Father's small desk light, so the hallway light easily gives the door away. Madam Wren and the old elemental walk in and sit on the couch across from my chair before Father's desk.
        Madam Wren turns towards the desk my Father and Mother are standing behind. "Your highness, good evening."
        "Good evening," my Father replies. "What updates do you have on Aria's condition?"
        "She's currently resting back in her house. But," Madam Wren wavered. "I could only heal her somewhat."
        "What do you mean?"
        "Her condition is not fully healed."
        "How is it not fully healed?"
        "Apparently her own magic energy has grown to an extent."
        "Magic energy?!" I question in disbelief. I look around the room for shocked expressions and find none. "What?" I look to my Mother. She just looks at me with a blank face. What do I not know?
        "My magic is loosing it's effect on her." Madam Wren continues, "I couldn't fully heal her side."
        "Is she okay?" My Mother questions with concern in her voice.
        "She can walk but her side needs a few days and may scar."
        "Wait," I stop Madam Wren. "Is Aria in pain?"
        Madam Wren turns to face me, "yes. Aria can walk, but she is deeply bruised. The walk back to her house was very painful for her." Something I did caused Aria pain?
        "You can heal her..."I begin.
        "No I can't." Madam Wren stops me.
        "No no no no," I rise from my seat. "She wasn't supposed to get hurt today. You were supposed to able to heal her."
        "Yes my prince," Madam Wren looks up to me with sad eyes. "I'm afraid I tried many things for many hours, and did the best I could."
        "Have you tried everythi—"
        Madam Wren cuts me off, "I tried so much I depleted my own magic energy for the evening."
        "Are you okay?" My Mother interjects.
        "I'm fine. Just very tired and saddened," Madam Wren answers.
        "No," I trail off. "No she only tries so hard because I push for excell...." I trail off in thought about the pain I just put Aria in. "I must see her," I briskly head to the door.
        "I don't think that's a good idea," Madam Wren calls behind me.
        "She's just a human!" I exclaim as I yank my Father's office door open.
        "Jarolt, stop him from leaving the castle," I hear my Father.
        "Yes your majesty," I begin to hear Jarolt's footsteps behind me.
        "Don't think you can stop me," I call back as I race through the halls. I suddenly stop hearing Jarolt behind me, and turn to see him standing still in the middle of the hallway. "What are you doing?"
        "Struggling to keep up," he says proudly.
        "Suddenly I fall behind the next ruler of the royal army. Who dips behind a door and cuts a corner before his guard looses sight of him." I smile at my comrade in arms. "You get a ten second head start," how did I get such a good friend in this castle. "Hurry!" I spread my wings and fly through the halls. Taking all the back ways I know till I'm quietly moving in the cloak of night through the city. Staying well hidden though there is no one awake at this hour. I finally make my way to the edge of the city and see Aria's little shack. I can see only a small candlelight through the front window.
        I quietly approach the door when I know the coast is clear. I give a small knock, "Aria?" I question the night. I knock again, "Aria?" I find the door is unlocked and cautiously open it. "Aria?" I carefully peak inside. When I see the living room is empty I quickly slide inside and shut the door behind me. "Aria?" I look to find the living room, kitchen, and bed empty. Then I find the back door left cracked open. I look to see the forest that trails the city beyond. I realize the direction the door is facing and realize she must have gone to the spring Madam Wren set us up with. However, if she really is in pain she shouldn't have gone alone. What if she's seen or attacked?
        I argue with myself for a few minutes before deciding to find Aria. To apologize and make sure she makes it home to rest and heal. I quickly fly towards the spring. As I'm drawing near I slightly notice a flying figure beyond me and quickly dip under the trees cover. I wait for a minute before realizing the angel must not of seen me. I decide to walk the rest of the way towards the spring. I quietly approach. What if she's....undressed? I flush at the thought before quickly ridding my mind of it. "Aria?" I softly question towards the spring behind a tree trunk. "Aria?" I question louder. "I'm coming forward." I step around the tree and find the spring empty. Where could she have gone? I see a flash of a shadow over the spring's waters from the clearing above. I duck back under the cover of the trees. It'll be bad if anyone finds me unguarded. I look for the winged being above the trees.
        I see the faint outline of a flying being above the clouds, but I see no wings. I quietly fly up the branches of a tall tree, still hiding beneath the leaves. I patiently watch the tiny figure draw closer. They indeed have no wings. They also appear to be flying with no direction in mind. Very haphazardly. I seize an opportunity when I know they aren't paying any mind towards my direction to quickly fly up into the clouds' cover. I hide quietly in the clouded night sky for a better look. However, what I see astonishes me.
        I find Aria! Above the clouds. I watch her dip and spin through the night air. Her white night gown and bandages illuminated in the moon's glow. I watch her bank clouds and spin around with such glee painted across her face. Every now and again she stumbles, almost tripping midair, giggling all the merry. I watch her spin her dress and flick her hair as she dances gracefully with the warm nightly breeze. Almost like a fairy of the moon. Her graceful body dances with night air. I watch her climb into the sky without a worry in the world. Up and up she climbs toward the moon. She reaches up with her fingertips and breathes in the moonlight. Aria ever so gracefully dips back slightly, and begins to fall. She closes her eyes and limps her limbs giving into gravity. Enjoying the air that rushes around her. All with a slight smile enjoying the wind's warm embrace.
        I feel something come over me. I fly up to meet Aria. I quickly fall back and match her falling below her to not disturb her. My wings give me more resistance though, and she falls faster towards me. I reach out, and my body cups hers. My arms trace hers, my legs surrounds hers, my wings hug her in an embrace, and her back gently meets my chest. With Aria's face next to mine as we fall she quickly opens her eyes. She looks to see me with shock and terror. Before I can say anything she quickly flings herself back up. I gain my flight to try and catch her. "Wait!" I call out. Aria looks back with a red face. She moves her arms and a sudden wings pushes against me burying me in clouds. Once I flap the clouds away I see she has retreated towards her home.

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