Grinning Smile

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            After getting pushed out of Madam Wren's office I headed home. I slowly enjoyed my walk taking in the beauty of this city. The beautiful white buildings with people flying all around. I make my way past the city towards my little house. I stood outside my front door as I watch the sun start to set. The beautiful colors painting the sky above the white city. I head inside and wonder what to do now? I hadn't really had a moment of free time since I got here. I sat down on my white couch and felt my sore legs. Running for hours straight this morning was not the move. Especially as someone who has to walk everywhere. I thought of the spring Madam Wren told me about. I hadn't been back since the first night, and the night sky was beautiful this evening. I pack a bag and head out into the forest behind my house. The forest here felt different than back on earth.

               I walked slowly enjoying the time I have today. I notice the trees that sprouted from the clouds. Such a weird sight. The sounds within the branches. I make my way to the clearing and push through the trees to find something I was not expecting.

               I stood there to take in the sight before me. Prince Rowan sat in the water. I saw his attire hanging from a tree branch to realize he was fully unclothed before me. He leaned again the edge of the pool across from me. His wet torso sticking out of the water. The steam came up to brush across his bare chest. His arms were along the top of the ridge of the pool to show his strong forearms. His wings spread out behind him. His head bowed down to the pools water to show his wet hair as water fell from his face. He slowly looked up and his gaze met mine. "Hello," he grinned at me slightly. My face felt hot and surely he could tell I was red. "May I help you?" The right side of his lips rose into a grin.

               I caught my breath finally. "I'm sorry! Madam—Madam Wren told me of this sp-spring! I didn't know anyone else knew of it!" I explained myself away.

               Rowan chuckled to himself slightly as he laid his head back to look up at the sky. "That old witch," he began. "Always a trick up her sleeve." He rolled his head to the side to look at me. "Sore?" He smiled.

               "Yes, I- I can come ba—"

               "You may join me," he interrupted. "If  you want to." His grin grew wider. "I won't bite." Embarrassed and flustered I high tailed it out of there. Many thoughts ran through my head as I ran back to my house. Why would Madam Wren do this to me? Shouldn't a guard have stopped me? Was this set up by his mother? Were they all in on the joke? When I made it back to my house I slammed the door shut behind me. Then different thoughts began to run through my head. Why did he say I could join him? Did he want me to join him? Did he think I had a bathing suit with me or skinny dip along side him? Oh God. I was going to kill her!!

               The next morning I wake up to a knock at my door. I quickly put on my robe and go to answer the door. I discover a messenger from the palace with a gift of some kind. "Good morning ma'am," he says to me.

               "Good morning," I answer back.

               "Aria I presume?"

               "Uh, yes."

               "Good," he hands me a nice black gift box and a small vase of flowers. Nothing fancy, but three beautiful white rose bloom within. He bids me good day and takes off in the air back towards the castle. I close my door and take a seat on my couch wondering who could of sent me these. I place the roses in the center of my coffee table. They are beautiful. Then, I turned my attention to the gift box. It was a black box wrapped in a black ribbon. I didn't even know that color existed up here. The box was of good quality, and quite heavy too. I slip the note from under the ribbon to read.

               To make up for last night.


               Oh god what could this possibly be. I set the note down beside me and begin to unwrap the gift. Sliding off the top I open it to find a black bag holding something metal. I open the drawstring to find a set of daggers. Ten daggers in total, five for each harness meant for my thighs. I pull one of the daggers out to examine it. It's a beautiful white gold. The metal makes up the blade as well as the handle as one casting. The handle has a beautiful design of sparrows flying on each side surrounded by curving lines. They were breath taking. I clutch the dagger to my chest at the kind gesture.

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