Fallen Angel of Light

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I slash my long sword and hit three smaller demons. We were careless. Of course Aria's surge in energy was on the demon's radar. Of course they sensed it! Now they're trying to take Aria before her power grows too far for their control. This attack wasn't even on our radar. We're being blindsided, and they were also smart enough to start a barrier break on Earth below as well. Making us split our resources. Who knows how many humans they've consumed by now. I continue to swing my long sword slashing demons all around me. Jarolt is close behind me with two short swords. He clearly wasn't prepared for this attack either. Otherwise he would have armed himself better this morning.
"We need more manpower!" I hear Gelvain yell to her troops. Though there's so many demons I cannot see her anymore. "Where are the reinforcements?!"
        "They are still evacuating the city Sergeant!" A random troop answers. All the troops just keep slashing. They don't have us in power, but they do in numbers. Everyone is taking scratches and slashes from blind spots. Slowly one or two more troops show up as the city is being evacuated, but it is not fast enough. Though clearing the city is our top priority, they will outman us sooner rather than later. I also have no idea what the situation below is. Is the barrier front okay? Plus, Madam Wren and the elemental were on the way back to Aria. They both are currently trapped in the city. I slash and strike, but the numbers don't seem to dwindle at all. Plus, now they are combining and growing in power and size.
Suddenly I feel a surge of energy in my chest. The barrier spell! It's fallen! The larger demons change course towards Aria. "NO!" I hear and see Madam Wren running from the cities edge. She trips and falls. I watch her raise her hands to try and fix the spell, but after all the healing attempts her magic energy is tapped out. The smaller demons closest to Aria begin crawling to the house. Thankfully the elemental appears and easily flings them to the side. He runs and tries to pull Madam Wren back towards the city with him. "NO!" I can see Madam Wren wailing. I feel the energy surge as a light begins to emerge from the house.
The battlefield quiets as the tides change. The light pouring out of the windows of the house grow in brightness. I hear a faint screaming from within. As the demons begin to charge the house the elemental struggles to fight them all off. A handful of demons begin to tear at the roof. There's too many, and I can't find an opening to go help. They're piling on top of me. Light starts pouring out of the roof as the demons tear the house open. I kick a demon off my leg and charge towards the house. Many demons claw and grab at me slowing me down. I must make it through! I can't let them take Aria!
As I stab a demon clinging onto my legs a winged being burst out the roof of the house. The battlefield halts as we all watch Aria emerge. Aria's glowing! Aria floats above the battlefield her skin radiating and her eyes lit up. Literally, I can see light beams from Aria's eye sockets. The blood from her skin evaporates leaving her in only a bloody white sheet. With her arms at her sides I see two massive wings protrude from her back. The giant wings flapping Aria's flight. She's like a goddess among angels.
The demons change strategy. Half continue to hold us off as the other half begin combining. Forming a towering beast before Aria. Unwavering she holds out a hand. The sky almost seems to begin crystallizing at her command. Through slashes I watch a sunlight begin to form in Aria's hand. A long form appears. From my distance I cannot tell what it is more than beyond a stick figure. The towering demon charges at her. I struggle to free myself from the overwhelming grasp of the hoard.
Aria grabs whatever she formed and charges at the demon. She raises the weapon with both hands and slaps the demon knocking it off balance. More demons leave to combine to the biggest one as it regains its footing. The beast roars up at Aria. As it charges Aria holds the weapon like a spear and flies forward. We all watch as she pierces through its chest. The beast roars out in pain and frustration. Aria turns around and runs through it again and again. After five the beast roars in defeat and dissipates back into smaller demons.
Aria then suspends herself above the battlefield. She lets go of her stick, and it floats before her. Aria holds her hands out and begins to recite something I cannot hear. I finally catch a break and call back to Madam Wren. "What is happening?!" The elemental carries our words.
"I don't know!" Madam Wren looks above puzzled. "That's ancient. She shouldn't know about that language! It hasn't been spoken in centuries!" I watch Madam Wren mumble as she tries to deifier. I look back and see a circle of light forming around Aria. "STOP HER!" I look back at Madam Wren yelling at me. "That's a destructive spell! IT'LL CONSUME HER!" I turn back to see the circle almost completed. I free myself from the grubby demons and fly up.
However, I'm too late. I watch Aria fling her head up to the sky as she shouts the rest of the incantation. A light shoots out from Aria's chest and spews across the sky. The light spreads across the battlefield, incinerating every demon it touches. The light touches everything. I hear the troops on the frontline and throughout the city cheer. I look back up and smile. Aria is still there. My smile quickly fades though as I notice the light flicker in Aria's eyes. The light goes out and Aria falls backwards. She must have passed out! I fly to catch her. Aria's wings make her much heavier now though and she quickly falls below the clouds. I dip downward. I reach out and finally wrap my arms around her.
I spread my wings out the break our fall. I flap and flap trying to pick Aria back up. I feel the elemental's wind catch up to us as the warm afternoon breeze cradles us. I look down at the new being in my arms. Aria's eyes are closed and her body is limp. Aria's body twitches from the overload. I feel her back with my fingertips. I don't need to see it to feel how swollen and tender the muscles and skin is. I watch her chest carefully. After what feels like forever I finally see her take a deep breath. I pull Aria towards me and bury my head in her neck. Thank God! SHE'S ALIVE!

Fallen Angel of LightWhere stories live. Discover now