Free Falling

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I'm tired. That climb took more out of me than I thought it would. I'm gasping for air, but I can't afford to slow down now. There's only four of us left, and 90 seconds remaining. The three left with me are still chasing each other, letting me catch my breath. I notice one is starting to slow down, and her wing movements are becoming easier to spot than before. I draw back an arrow and pierce the sash tied around her left calf. One more teleported out.
        My arrow gave my position away though, and someone is banking towards me. I hug the column tightly. Just enough to miss their fingertips. Before I can load my last arrow, the other angel surprises his opponent from behind while he was focusing on me. He gets teleported out, and now just us final two with 30 seconds left. He looks down at me. I recognize him. His wings are powerful, and were easy to track during the fight. Though he is fast. Gelvain has mentioned this cadet as promising, and I see why. He's build broad to carry heavy wings. With the sun's glare behind him I can't make out a face. I know he's smart though. Focusing on picking off those too focused on me. Sniping people one by one. Now it's just us two.
       I reach to load my last arrow. IT'S GONE! I was sure I counted right! Did I loose track?! He must have noticed my panic because now he's dropping towards me. I toss my bow aside and run! I run across the bridge with everything I have. It'll be bad if I get backed into a corner with no weapon! He's going to bank to knock me off. I feel it! He banks, I jump! I land into him, clinging onto his back. I clearly caught him off guard because he begins trying to thrash me off him. I hold onto is shoulders tightly as he fights to keep us a flight. I look and see the sash! It's around his right ankle. I dodge an elbow and jump down to his legs. I barely grab his boot in time. He tries to kick me off with all his might while regaining his flight pattern. He takes us up the dome as I struggle to grab the sash. I muster all the strength in my free arm, and reach up. I barely pluck the white fabric with my fingertip, but it's enough! He tries to yell down at me while reaching a hand out towards me. Us now in the sky I finally notice his face, now filled with panic before he's forced out of the dome. I know what his worry was for now.
        Ten seconds left on the timer and I'm free falling. I hear a loud banging sound and turn around to see the arena below me. The cadets are banging on the dome. I see Rowan behind them in the bleachers with a panicked look on his face. But why? I won right? Nine seconds the timer counts down. I get it now. The barrier spell won't dissipate until the timer ends. Now I'm panicking. I look around for Edward. I find him standing from his seat with the same panicked look on his old weathered face. He can't help me, and my own wind is not that powerful yet. I spread my limbs out as wide as possible to hopefully buy me a few seconds of time to think. Eight seconds. I map out the dome's air and realize he ended up taking us pretty high up. I just need to slow myself down a few seconds for someone to save me. Think Aria! Think!
I have an idea. I reach for my back, and unbutton my uniform. I pull Rowan's short sword I stole accidentally. I look, and aim. I use my arms to guide myself over to the tallest pillar. As I'm falling closer I hear a bang louder than before. I look the direction of the sound and see Rowan trying to pierce through the barrier spell with his long sword. I see the panic painted on his face as he struggles to push the blade forward. I grasp the short sword tightly. I just need a few seconds.
Seven seconds, and I'm almost at the top of the pillar. I steady the short sword in my hands. I angle myself and crash my body into the side of the pillar. I cry out in immense pain. I stab the short sword into the pillar with all the force I can muster. Six seconds. My body scraps against the pillar as the sword cuts into the side of the structure. I can feel my skin peeling away. I hold onto the holt for dear life. Five seconds. I look up and focus on my grip. Don't let go, don't give into the pain. Just give someone, anyone, a few seconds. Four seconds. I start crying out loud at the pain against the side of my body. I can start to see drops of blood fly out from underneath my arms. Don't let go. Three seconds.

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