Class Begins

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I spend the weekend getting used to my new home. Madam Wren visits me each day to check on my wounds. I learn that her specialty is similar to spells a wizard would do, but she heals instead of attacks nowadays as she likes to put it. The house they gave me is nice. It's the same one I was in when I woke up in my new life. Nice and away from the city, but I think that's for them more than for me. I don't mind it though. Quiet and peaceful. I understand that basically everyone who ever knew me had their memories wiped. For their own safety if any demons thinking they can extract info.

Angels aren't quite what I thought they were. They aren't exactly holy light; it's more they serve it. Wield it in life but are still able to sin as they don't enter an afterlife apparently. I've heard many curse and go about life as any selfish human would. Having multiple partners in a lifetime and many normal things humans would do. Except more arrogant.

Monday comes around, and I feel like I've entered college. I have a full day scheduled for me of classes I'm supposed to take with trainees to discover what this light is doing within me. I get ready for my day. I eat breakfast and get dressed. I put on another pair of trousers as I don't know how long I'll be walking for. Since everyone has wings, I'm wearing a halter top as that's what most women wear for their wings I've discovered. I pack a small backpack I asked Madam Wren for with a few essentials. Pencils, pens, and a journal. I put on some white tennis shoes and head out the door to start my new life. Madam Wren explains a spell she put on me making me look like an angel with a badly injured wing to everyone except the royal family and a few select others. To help keep buzz down about the event to other kingdoms.

I'm first supposed to report to a class for elementals. Apparently, every angel goes through this training to discover what their purpose in their world will be. I spend the morning looking at textbooks of basic intentions I can't read, but whoever excels here becomes the ones I saw evacuating people. They can't control wind such as the four winds and elementals. However, they can use it to further enhance their speed slightly. Used greatly for messengers and other such things. Before lunch I go to my next class where I test all my senses. Here they find trackers for demons that have possessed a body. They test my hearing, sight, smell, touch, and much more. Many different test and puzzles to which senses are heightened. I feel like none of mine are. I also have a flying class, but that went horribly. For obvious reasons. I quickly eat lunch since my classes were in the city I didn't have to walk far. I'm supposed to meet with Madam Wren in the capitol for my next class.

I didn't realize how far away the capitol was because I must start running to make it on time. I make my way up the hill and find myself in front of the castle gate. They let me in as I'm gasping for air. I walk in through the garden to the front door. Before I can knock the, what I assume to be butler, opens it for me. I enter the great entryway. I just stand there because no one told me where to go. I look around for someone, but I'm completely alone as the butler took his leave before I could ask him. I hear footsteps and look up to find the prince walking down the massive white staircase on the side of the entryway. He is dressed in a nice button up and trousers. Not royal wear per say, but still presentable.

"Hello!" I say to him glad to have found someone.

He grumbles and continues down the steps, "Good afternoon." He intends to walk right past me, I can hear it in his voice.

"Could you please help me?" I plead before he can run away.

He sighs and turns back around to face me. "What?" Damn chill.

"I have an appointment with Madam Wren, but I don't know where to meet her."

"Her laboratory," he turns around fast.

Fallen Angel of LightWhere stories live. Discover now