Sulk The Day Away

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        A day later and my Father, my Mother, the elemental and I meet in the royal office. Strewed about the room we all wait for Madam Wren to report her update on Aria. My Mother has not stopped reading. Researching ancient textbooks to try and find anything helpful. My Father stews at his desk. Most likely worried about the other kingdoms, as I'm sure rumors have spread by now if they weren't there before. The elemental just stares out the window. I sitting in a chair with my face buried in my hands about the sight I saw. Jarolt places a friendly hand on my shoulder. None of us know what to do.
        After what feels like forever, we all jump up at the sound of the door opening. Madam Wren steps inside looking defeated. Her light grey nightgown and apron stained. Her eyes red and swollen under her glasses from crying. Her hair a mess tied above her head caked in blood. Madam Wren slowly steps into the room. "I don't know what to do," she begins crying. Mother closes the book she was researching and runs to console Madam Wren. "I've tried every spell," she speaks through sobs. "Every herb, every medicine, and nothing is working."
        "What is happening to her?" My Father quietly questions.
        "I believe," Madam Wren struggles to speak through sniffles, "that she is growing..."
        "Growing what?"
        "Growing wings." Madam Wren falls to the floor inconsolably. "They've grown to the point they've taken their shape. And every time they grow," Madam Wren cries out. "Aria passes out from the pain! All I can do is make her as comfortable as I possibly can!"
        "What does this mean?" My Father thinks out loud.
        "I don't know," the elemental ponders.
        "Well, for the meantime, I've ordered Gelvain to be her personal guard. At least she not unprotected in this vulnerable state as we figure out what is going on." I say to the room while looking at the floor. It was all I could think to do to help.
        "Smart move my son," my Father encourages me. It's not enough to stop this aching feeling I have.
        We all try to go about our days. Trying to help in anyway, but also not make it look like something is wrong. The other kingdoms have no doubt sent spies to the castle if they have wind something unknown is here. I'm hiding in my room to avoid prying eyes per Father's request. I can do nothing but sit around and worry. I watch the clock tick on by. It's late afternoon now.
        "Any updates from Gelvain?" I question Jarolt searching for any bit of hope. Jarolt has stood by the door all day, us in silence.
        "I'll go check your majesty," Jarolt silently slips through the door to search for a messenger. I simply stare out the window to the horizon. The golden afternoon light fills the room. I turn around at the sound of the door. "No word my prince." Jarolt reports defeated.
        We both sit and silk with our heads hung low at the situation. Suddenly a loud banging comes from the door. "Your majesty!" A guard calls through the door. Is it about Aria!? I rush to the door. As I open the door to reveal the guard on post, the sirens that now ring alert me the news is much more dire than I was hoping for.

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