I've Been Made

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          Two months later, and Aria's combat skills have drastically improved. Aria still can not beat me or Jarolt of course, but she now gives Gelvain a run for her money. I circle around the training mat as I watch Aria dodge Gelvain's attempts to end the fight quickly. Aria ducks underneath Gelvain's wing as she take her left shin out from under her. Aria then quickly pins Gelvain's right arm behind her back. Aria's form, speed, and agility have improved drastically. Aria's thoughts are now swift and precise for how to beat her opponent. At the end of the day nothing beats experience, but not everyone in the royal army trains with some of the top warriors everyday. However, I have to admit she is turning into a fine warrior.

               "That's match!" Jarolt calls from the corner of the room after Gelvain's failed attempts to get her arm back. Aria releases Gelvain, and they both collect themselves and stand up. I continue to circle the mat as Gelvain walks off the side to sit on the bench. Aria stands at attention with her chin raised high waiting for my final thoughts on the battle. I still slowly circle as I collect my thoughts.

               Aria's ability to simply take down Gelvain is a feat. Not one Gelvain would like to admit, but it is. In a perfect world I'd have Gelvain be my general over the royal army. I tap a finger to my chin as I continue to circle. Aria's weapon repertoire has also greatly improved. We haven't found her preferred weapon of choice. However, she has shown great skill with the dagger set I gave her, a short sword, bow and quiver, as well as shown promise with multiple others. We also discovered that weapons like a long sword are incrediablly difficult for her. We think our weapons are made much heavier to help with balancing our wings in battle. Something we probably never would have discovered had a human never wielded our weapons. Also, her ability to wield holy light has never wavered during our training. I hear Gelvain clear her throat from her seat on the bench, and break out of my daze to see Aria anxiously waiting. It's cute how much this fragile human cares. I meet her gaze, and she nervously smiles at me. A smile of concern, tiredness, and pride. I slightly chuckle at myself. Never in all my life I thought I'd be learning so much from a human. "Good job," Aria's concern melts away from her face. "We'll talk more about this session tomorrow." I fold my arms behind my back under my wings. "Complete your run and you are free to go." I walk over to Jarolt as Aria grabs her bag and quickly head outside towards the track.

               "That's all you had to say to her?" Jarolt asks me as he walks up to me.

               "Even I had more to say," Gelvain snickers as she drinks her water still sitting on the bench. "At least I know how to talk to women." I hear her under her breath.

               "First and foremost she is my trainee," I call back to Gelvain. "Much as you once were." I look back to Gelvain as she slightly nods her head in agreement. "Second," I look back to Jarolt before me. "I want a copy of Aria's schedule before my meeting with everyone this afternoon."

               "Yes your majesty," Jarolt bows to me before leaving to retrieve what I have asked of him.

               "What do you need that for?" Gelvain asks me.

               "Something exciting." I slightly grin at her.

               The time of our scheduled meeting arrives. I appear at my father's study in my formal attire. A white royal ceremonial uniform. Complete with ropes, ribbons, and general cape. The guards open the doors for me to reveal I am the last one to arrive. I enter to see my father sitting behind his desk with my mother standing by his side. Both in their normal everyday attire, royal robes and dress. My mother's hair is pinned up and her glasses are on her nose signally she's been in her study all day. I join the royal elemental and Madam Wren on the two couches in the center of the room before father's desk. They both in their white Sunday's best. Jarolt stands behind the couch. "Now that everyone is here," my father lifts his left hand and signals to the guards behind his desk. The guards all quickly shift placements to better watch the room. On high alert, it would be a disaster if one of the other nations found out about Aria. Jarolt also leaves my side for his position in the room by the door. Jarolt places an ear against the door and signals into the air. Every guard signals their clear before my father's head guard tells him we're ready to begin. "Edward! I hear we are making progress?"

               "Yes your majesty." I don't know much about Aria's elemental classes, and this is the only update I ever hear on them.

               "Madam Wren?"

               "Nothing new to report my lord. Quite simply on schedule." Madam Wren slightly bows her head to my father.

               "Now lastly, my son."

               I rise from my seat. "I move for Aria to officially become a cadet in the royal army." My Mother and Father's eyes widen at my request.

               "A cadet?" Madam Wren asks from her seat next to me.

               "Are you mad?" My mother asks me. "She's just a human how will she ever keep up with the other cadets in training?"

               "Now dear," my Father says to calm my Mother. "Let's hear his request. Our son's past shows promise in his courses, and frankly he knows her strength and resolve for the battlefield better than any of us." My Mother sighs. "Go on." My Father motions to me.

               "I have seen leaps and bounds in Aria's training. I believe the next step in it is comradery in the royal army. The people of the capitol and royal army see her everyday. If any break their oath to the royal kingdom, that is a separate issue." My Father nods his head. "Plus, how long to we plan to keep her here?" I look towards my Mother. "It's already been almost six months. A year? Two? We keep her hidden in our sock drawer? If she builds bonds within the capitol, her inevitable introduction to the other nations will go swiftly." My Mother ponders my words.

               "I suppose we must plan for that day must we?" My Mother asks my Father.

               "Yes," he answers. "The stronger she becomes the harder it will be to hide her existence." My Father sighs to himself, "I have discovered that rumors have already begun to sprung."

               "And your request has nothing to do with the sudden change in Aria's schedule today?" Edward asks me from his seat on the second couch. I knew the old man was being too quiet.

               "What change?" My Mother asks the room.

               "Aria's schedule tomorrow was cancelled this midmorning. Tomorrow she only has combat training." Edward glares up at me.

               "Yes I changed Aria's schedule tomorrow," I glare back at the sour elemental.

               "What's tomorrow?" My Father questions me.

               "Hold on," Madam Wren says from her seat. Shit. "I have a spell to cast tomorrow for the cadet upgrade tournament." Madam Wren looks over to my Father. Shit.

               "The first Thursday of the month?" My Father questions me. "The cadet's battle to become the newest private in the royal army?" His glare never ceases to cut one like a knife to the heart.

               "Perhaps," I answer him.

               "Oh my son," my Mother sighs and begins to rub her temples.

               "I wouldn't put her in such a situation is I didn't think she could handle it." I defend myself.

               Edward shakes his head to himself, "she is flightless."

               "You said so yourself," I address my Father. "My past cadets show my promise, and I'm the only one here fully understanding of her level in combat." I try to plea.

               My Father leans back in his desk chair and thinks to himself while glaring at me. "You truly think she has a place in such a competition?" He asks me.

               "I do."

               "Even flightless?"

               "Even flightless."

               "And you are willing to take on any consequences?"

               "I am." I nod my head.

               My Father continues to glare at me from his seat.

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