Council Meeting

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         "We went on what we believed was a routine parameter cleanse," I answer the human as I stand up from my seat at the table. "However, we soon realized something more was going on. Most cases the demons simply break the surface to sin. Usually, one or two looking to have some fun terrorizing people. However, well over twenty showed up to your town, and it wasn't random either." I begin to slowly walk down the length of the table towards the end the human is seated at. "This was an invasion, and they wanted something. We soon realized they were looking for something, but that turned out to be a someone. Such as you realized for yourself. Then, you ran away from the crowd to sacrifice yourself. A noble move. We then also realized you were the heart they were after."

          "Heart?" The human asks me quietly as she watches me inch closer to her.

          "Yes, heart. I'm sure you heard them. They came looking for what they called the 'lighthearted.' That apparently was you." I now stand over the human next to her chair. "You and I then began fighting those that cornered you." I reach into my light gray dress coat and pull out my short sword. "Another noble move for a human." I drop the blade down and watch the human catch it in her hands. The room suddenly gasps. Everyone's eyes are on the human. The fools didn't believe me. I hear the scrap of my Father's chair against the floor as he stands up.

"It's true!" My Father looks down to me.

"Yes," I continue back down to my seat. "I told you it was true."

"What's true?" The human asks us from her seat.

"You can hold holy light." I watch her look down at my short sword in her hands. It's small but beautiful. White gold with simple yellow gold designs. More to a letter opener than anything else for me. "An angel's weapon it is forged from holy beams of light. No mere human can hold them. The light is too pure and burns their skin. However," I point down to her hands, "you seem to have no problem holding such weapons." I return to my seat and make myself comfortable.

"Angels?" The human questions us looking around the room full of such beings.

"Yes, my dear," Madam Wren walks in the room from behind the human. She comes around her chair to greet her. She is a small advisor with no wings. Always stands out in a room. Dressed in her multiple toned drapes of light grays, whites and creams. With her cane of dark wood and a kind smile. "They are angels."

"You have no wings." The human questions her.

"Yes dear. I am an elemental of wind of sorts. You'll notice the four winds down the table have no wings either as we don't need them to fly." Madam Wren points down the table and the human now notices the four sitting together next to my Mother. Three males and one female bow their heads down to her in a kind gesture. The human returns the gesture and Madam Wren continues. "The question is what are you?"

"What am I?" The human asks her. Her face showing how puzzled she is.

"Yes," Madam Wren continues. "As the young prince has stated, you can hold holy light. Something we've never seen in a human before. Also, demons are very interested in you."

"Demons?!" The human asks her yet again. This time concern fills her face.

"Yes, my dear. That's who came to get you. The ones who came out of the ground." The human's breath becomes shaky and her eyes stair down into the table. The human seems to be remembering what happened the night I found her. The human clearly starts to become distraught and Madam Wren places a calming hand on top her shoulder. "They wanted the power that lies within you."

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