The Legacy - Part 18

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Charleston, South Carolina

Tom watches Gladys as she downs the last of the vodka, amazed that one woman can put away so much liquor. Then again, that is how she earned the nickname 'Glad Gladys.' She can down a fifth of booze within minutes, and if there is more to be had, the grin never leaves her face.

He disappears for a moment and returns from the back room with another bottle, and just like clockwork, the woman's face breaks into a wide grin.

"You're right on the ball, Tom," she says, immediately opening the bottle.

"I aim to please." He reaches across the table and pulls an old flannel shirt from the back of one of the chairs. "I gotta go help a man across the way fix a wire fence, so you're on your own for a little while." He looks at her and grins. "I gotta earn a little money to keep us swimming in drink."

Gladys raises her glass. "I'll drink to that." Then they both laugh.

Tom heads back to the bedroom to get his coat, casually glancing back at Gladys. Her eyes are closed, but her hand is still cradling the glass.

That's a good sign.

Entering the bedroom, he turns the volume on the television up slightly. Then he quickly squats down in front of Phillip, catching the little boy off guard. He keeps his voice low as he speaks.

"I want you to listen to me. Now I know you ain't got no reason to trust me, but you have to do exactly as I say. I'm going out the front door in just a minute. You see that door right there?" he asks him, pointing to the side door in the hall.

Phillip nods, warily.

"I'm gonna leave it open a little. While I'm going out the front, I want you to slip out that door. My truck is parked out back. Run to it, understand me?"

Phillip only hesitates a moment before nodding. Tom has been nice to him so far, despite his rough appearance, and Phillip sees no reason not to trust him, especially if it means getting away from Gladys.

Tom grabs his coat and motions for Phillip to do exactly as he'd told him. He walks into the hallway and opens the side door slightly before heading to the front door.

"I'll be back in a couple of hours," he calls to Gladys. "I guess I don't have to tell you to make yourself at home."

Gladys smiles, raising the glass to her discolored lips. "That's already been done."

That's what I'm counting on. He glances at Phillip as the boy quietly slips out the side door unnoticed. Tom casually opens the front door and leaves. When he reaches his truck, Phillip is already there, hiding on the outside of the driver's side. Tom opens the door.

"Get in," he whispers, "and stay down until I tell you it's safe."

Phillip immediately obeys. And it isn't until they have pulled onto the paved road and he is able to sit up on the seat that he asks, "Where are we going?"

Tom glances over at him and gives him a half smile, ruffling his hair. "We're gonna get you home."

 * * * 

Heaving a contented sigh, Sadie mentally goes over her conversation with Cisely and Adagio. Her mind is still reeling over the fact that she and Cisely are related. Even though it's not a total blood relation, they are still family, and Phillip is her cousin. This only intensifies her love for the little boy. Her thoughts go to him again and she continues to pray for his safety. It is about all she can do.

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