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"Chapter 6;


I OPENED MY eyes slowly, the light shining into my brown eyes. Or I thought so.

"why are her eyes that color?!" Na-yeon yelled.

"there red." I heard gyeong-su mumbled.

"guys what happening?" I asked slowly getting up. Everyone backed up, beside cheong-San and su-hyeok.

"what's wrong, why are you guys backing up?" I looked at on-jo grabbing cheong-sans arm to move him back but he shoved her off.

"please someone tell me what is happening!?" I started tearing up. "You were bitten!" I heard na-yeon yell.

"w-what? I promise I wasn't look at my skin!" I looked at all of them. "guys. Please"

"leave!" Na-yeon yelled getting in front of everyone. "Go! I don't want to get bitten by you!" She continued yelling. 

wu-Jin walked up to me. "what if she wasn't,look at her skin." He grabbed my arm and showed them. And also grabbed the other one.

"she would have turned by now." He told them. Then Wu-jin held my hand. I looked over to su-hyeok.

he was glancing at us holding hands. "am I different?" I looked at us holding hands. "Your a freak!" Na-yeon yelled.

"Am the freak?! Check how you look right now before you talk!" I yelled back at her and then "yah!" I looked  at her. "how about you and gyeong-su can wait in the recording room. For like 10 minutes?" I nodded at Mrs park and walked inside.


I laid down on the ground. I heard gyeong-su walk in too. "what happened to you? What are you in here?" I asked him.

"Well when you fainted, a zombie attack us through the window and then I got hit with the mop in the nose and I started bleeding and I also hand a scratch on my hand and na-yeon thought it was a bite mark." He finished his story.

"I swear, na-yeon is so annoying." I told him. He glazed at my eyes. "Your eyes are pretty in red." He told me. I smiled at him. But then we both broke and started laughing.

He was like my best friend. I don't know what I would do without him. Or even anyone.


After 30 minutes or more na-yeon walked inside and walked over to gyeong-su.

'stop her.'

'grab the handkerchief'

I rolled into a ball and cover my ears. I got up and yanked na-yeon off of gyeong-su. But I was to late.

"You crazy b*tch!" She yelled as shuffled to get out of the grip of me holding her arm."me the crazy b*tch?! Reversed Roles honey!"

the door opened and revealed my brother Mrs park and on-jo. Then na-yeon left the room.


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