03: New Member? More New Art to See!

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3: New Member? More New Art to See!


Morning has come and Y/n was eating his breakfast that is made by his mother that woke up early.

[ "Y/n. I heard from the teachers in your school that you've received a career survey form? Which schools have you decided?" ], the mother ask as she sips her coffee. The son answered while also sipping his coffee,

[ "Geidai.. Or unexpectedly, Tama. But still aiming for Geidai of course." ]. The mother smiled at his son and knew that school was always Y/n's dream,

[ "Do you need any money later in the future? I believe it costs.. More than 500,000 yen, are you going to be okay with that?" ]. Mother asked the son again, he nodded to her afterwards.

[ "Yeah, I have lots of money now in my bank account due to a bunch of commission orders received. So don't worry about it, mother." ], he said letting out a small smile at her. She smiled again in relief, proud of her big son.

[ "If you have a problem with anything, just tell your father and I." ], the mother spoke while letting her hand out to pat her son's head.

But Y/n was done with his breakfast, so he went to the sink and washed them. Getting ready to leave the house for school, he's now infront of the door.

[ "I'll be going now, mother." ], he said while putting a hand on the handle. The mother nodded at him,

[ "Take care and be safe!" ]. She said with a gentle smile, Y/n then opened the door and step outside the house. The daylight shined brightly, he squint his eyes a bit to the light.


When he finally got to the inside school, Y/n can see that Yuka was waiting for him infront of his locker. Probably just for a hang out, he sweatdropped smilling as he approach to the locker to change shoes.

[ "..So uhm, how long did you stood here waiting for me?" ], he started asking her while opening his locker and switch shoes.

[ "Hm.. Not too long perhaps." ], she answered with her arms crossed and leaning on someone else's locker that is beside Y/n's.

When they gone walking through the hallway with some morning replies from everyone around them, they chat on their way. Enjoying their moment, Yuka then noticed something.

[ "Did you not sleep last night again? Just when I made you finally sleep that day. Do you want me to come over to your house to close those eyes of yours? Money will be needed." ], she said with a glare at him. He laughed nervously and shook his head,

[ "I'm sorry. I got some plans to do so I couldn't cancel them. I had to really finish all of them at once." ].

Yuka sighs face palming, seriously worried about his health. He really need to start caring about it and take a vacation, staying away from Art for some time to relax.

[ "I can't wait for Yaguchi-san to be joining the Art club." ], Y/n said in excitement.

[ "Eh.. You only wanted to observe all of his Art, right?" ], Yuka said making him startled.

[ "How did you know, Yuka-san!?.. Well, yeah.. I took that Shibuya painting beautiful and I really want to see more of his Art." ]. He spoke with a smile, Yuka then sighs once again. Letting out a small smile at him.

They're hang out ended when they were almost close to the classroom hallway, the both best friend wave goodbyes to each other as they walked to their own classroom.


When he gotten inside, Y/n receiced some mornings from his classmates. He replied them back with a small smile and sat down on his chair, placing his stuff down in his empty table space. Letting out his notebook afterwards,

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