Chapter 18 | Savannah

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Gathering the books for today's study session I glanced over to Michi as she talked with Mrs. Grier probably trying not to look at me. Words hadn't been exchanged between us since the day she thought I was accusing her of sleeping with Jace which in the end, she was. Personally, I didn't have any problems with Michi. I thought that we could at least be cordial but she refused to even acknowledge my presence.

Oh well

"Savannah dear." Mrs. Grier called. "Brandon said he would be waiting at the table over by the Science Fiction section."

"Okay, thank you." Smiling back at me with a small wave I looked at Michi thinking she would be glaring at me but no, her head was down as she read over some papers.

Giving the situation not another thought I weaved my way through the stacked shelves over to Brandon. He sat at the second long table out of six, books spread out with several spiral notebooks as he tapped his black pen over an open notebook deep in thought. His black hair was all over as if he had been pulling at the ends.

Clearing my throat not wanting to startle him, I pulled out the chair to his right placing the books I carried on the table. "How are you doing Brandon?"

His eyes widened slightly as a smile spread across his face. "I-I'm good. Doing good. Just need s-s-some help. From you that is." His cheeks burned a dark pink as well as his ears.

"Of course." I returned the friendly smile grabbing my red pen. "Show me where you left off."

Forty-five minutes into the session I was ready to take a well deserved break but didn't want to chance it and lose the little bit of concentration Brandon was giving. Repeating questions three times, explaining the answers when he got them wrong then asking him to explain it back to me, he had no clue what I had said. Several times I tapped my highlighter on the book wanting his eyes to be on the paper instead of me.

Fixing my glasses I scratched at my eyebrow feeling it twitch with irritation. "Hey Brandon," I gently touched his shoulder, "are you still with me?"

"O-Of course. Of course." He cleared his throat scotting closer to me. "I'm here. W-With you." Returning his smile I nodded towards the book. "Oh, right. Sorry." Asking him to try the problem by himself first I restacked some of my papers looking up when someone pulled out a chair two tables away.

My chest tightened at the sight of his brown hair falling around his shoulders. Several pieces fell in his face as he leaned forward taking a seat in the chair as if it was his throne. Eyes like a basket of sweet green apples they stared back at me holding me captive.

Sending me a teasing wink the burn of arousal was felt against my cheeks. Looking away I regained focus on my student of the day. At least I tried to but my thoughts were drowning in Jace Carter.

He was only a few feet away with several books on the table. Holding a black pen in his right hand he scribbled in a notebook. Never raising his head at the several glances I took of him I was genuinely surprised that I hadn't caught him watching me.

"Savannah, did you hear me?"

Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose I took a quick look at Jace finding him shaking his head while smirking, yet his head still remained in his books. Was he laughing at me?

Turning to glance over my shoulder a girl walked towards the study tables. Her brunette hair swung behind her as her brown eyes stayed glued to the table Jace occupied. "Savannah?"

"Hm? Yes?" I answered Brandon with an apologetic smile. "What were you saying?"

"I was asking if you wanted to get something to eat after this? I'm sure a girl like you could eat."

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