Injuries || Bennett x Fem!reader

694 20 28

Requested by StarAnimations774

(Thank you for your request!)

TW: Blood mentioned, injuries


"Y/n?" you heard a familiar voice cry, "Y/n!?" Your vision swam as the blood poured from your arm. You saw a familiar figure rush over to you and pick you up, cradling you in his arms. "Hey Y/n what happened?" Bennett said frantically. You help up a Hurricane Seed (anemo hypostasis reward) with a shaky hand before wincing and blacking out.

You woke to sunlight streaming through the open windows in your house and a splitting headache. Your left arm was wrapped with thick white bandages and hurt whenever you moved it. Your boyfriend Bennett was sleeping in a chair beside the bed, his hand entwined with yours. In his other hand was a piece of paper which you could see Barbara's swirly handwriting on it. You recognised a couple of medicinal herbs written on it.

Bennett stirred and stretched his arms above his head. His eyes widened when he saw you awake and he wrapped you in a warm hug, being careful not to hurt you. He didn't let go for a long time.

"Bennett, the bed is for two people and you slept in a chair?" You asked, internally screaming because he's adorable. He mumbled something about not wanting to invade your privacy and also not wanting to hurt you.

You pulled Bennett onto the bed and squeezed him tight with your uninjured arm. Bennett made an adorable surprised sound before wrapping his own arms around you.

"I got you some herbs, Y/n. Barbara gave me a recipe to help you heal up faster." he said as you squeezed him even tighter. Bennett's laugh sounded like music to your ears, but he hesitated a little bit.

"Bennett look," you said, holding him at arms length to look into his green eyes, "You are not to blame for any of this, ok? I challenged the anemo hypostasis myself, and that's on me. None of this was your fault." Bennett smiled weakly before rubbing the back of his neck.

Despite your protests, Bennett got off the bed to make you a cup of medicinal tea with the recipe from Barbara. The brew was bitter, so he added plenty of sweet flower. Bennett also brought a plate of [favourite food] which he fed to you.

For the remainder of your healing time, Bennett would stay by your side and change your bandages, cook or buy food and make sure you were comfortable. He whispered loving words to you and kissed your forehead multiple times each day.

Once you were fully healed, he was extremely happy, but also overprotective, making sure you stayed out of trouble.


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I hope you enjoyed reading this oneshot!

I also hope you are having an amazing day/night/life because you deserve it! <3

Don't forget to drink water, dear reader, and try to get some sleep!

- inging <3

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