Attraction || Scaramouche x reader

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Modern au - University/College

Requested by -shroomytea-

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"Settle down class, I am going to distribute partners and topics for your psychology report," The professor said, "These will be due next week."

You winked at bf/n across the classroom and they grinned back at you. You zoned out while the teacher was calling out groups.

"Chongyun and Xingqiu, discrimination."

"Beidou and Ningguang, social cognition."

"Albedo and Sucrose, attention and distraction."

"Venti and bf/n, bias and stigma." You made an appalled face at bf/n, although you were happy that they could spend time with another friend. You crossed your fingers, hoping you would get partnered another friend.

"Y/n and Scaramouche, attraction."

Bf/n and Venti made teasing faces at you from their table. Of course you had to be partnered with your crush. You rolled your eyes and picked up your books and walked over to Scaramouche, who was already taking notes.

You sat down beside him with a nod and pulled out your textbook, flicking to the section on attraction. You glanced at the short man opposite you, observing his indigo hair and eyes. You noticed that he had red eyeliner on as well. He felt your gaze on him and glared at you. Looking back to your books, you didn't catch the pink tint on his cheeks as he bent over his work.

"Did you wanna go somewhere this afternoon to work on this stupid assignment?" Scaramouche asked gruffly when the bell rang.

"O-oh sure." you stuttered, as he nodded and walked out the door.

"Y/NNNNNNNNNN ISN'T THIS ADORABLE??" bf/n screamed they caught up with you in the corridors.

"Shut up! He might hear!" you hissed, glancing around.

"Damn Y/n even the teacher ships you two~" Venti said, linking arms with you and bf/n. You rolled your eyes again as the two laughed at your red face. "Y/n, don't worry, bf/n and I will take up your whole dorm so you just have to go to his~"

"Yeah Y/n, and you have to tell us how it goes."


"Hey." A voice said from behind you as you placed your books in your locker. You turned around and saw Scaramouche standing somewhat awkwardly behind you. You grinned and turned back to your locker.

"Hi Scaramouche," you said, shoving a couple books in your bag and closing your locker door. "Where to? I think bf/n and Venti are in my dorm, so we could go to yours?"

"Yeah alright." Scaramouche said. You walked to his dorm and he opened the door, sighing with relief when Childe wasn't there.

He sat down in a chair at the table and you sat across from him. Opening your books, you pulled out a pencil and started writing.


You set your pencil down and sat back in your chair, stretching your arms above your head. Out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw Scaramouche staring at you, but you dismissed the thought.

"I should probably go now," you said, closing your books. The time was about 7:30pm and bf/n would be wondering where you were.

As you were collecting your belongings, your hand brushed Scaramouche's hand. The contact made your heart flutter. You looked up in surprise into shining, indigo eyes. You pulled your hand back and started to stand up, your face heating up.

"Uh- bye-" you said, turning on your heel and walking to the door.

"Y/n wait!" Scaramouche said, rushing after you and grabbing your hand and spinning you around. You made a shocked sound as he pulled you closer so your foreheads were almost touching.

"Y/n. I've liked you for a while now and I was wondering if you-" you silenced Scaramouche by pressing your lips against his. His hands slipped around your waist as you broke apart for breath. Scaramouche smirked before leaning in again, your arms wrapping around his neck.

"Well well well. What do we have here?"

"Childe. Get. Out. Now." Scaramouche growled at the redhead.

"Fiiiine, just don't make a mess on the bed." 😳


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- inging <3

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