Ice Skating || Childe x reader

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Hiya! I was going to write a fluff version and a slightly nsfw version of this story but then I wrote the fluff and I really really liked it. When I attempted to write the nsfw version, I was reminded how emotionally burdening it is to write and it seemed to ruin the softness and intimacy of the story, so I deleted it.
I hope you still enjoy it :)

"It's so c- cold," you stammered, "Childe can we go now?" The harsh Snezhnayan winter was blowing icy air onto your flushed face, and you didn't like it. Your boyfriend, however, was completely at home among the snowy landscape, laughing at your shivering figure.

"Y/nnnn enjoy the scenery!" he chuckled, "We've only been outside for 10 minutes." It was true, but it felt like 10 hours.

"That's 10 minutes too many..." you grumbled from underneath a mound of blankets and fur-lined jackets. The brisk wind whistled past your ears and you shivered again.

I guess it's ok... you thought. After all, it was quite something to watch your boyfriend revert to a child, getting excited to finally show you around his homeland. You smiled at him, his eyes almost full of the shine that the abyss had stolen from him. (rip childe eye sparkles)

Childe's genuine happiness was so infectious that you almost forgot about how bitterly cold it was. Almost. Your lips were almost blue by the time he turned back to you, chuckling at your dramatics.

"C'mere," he said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a tight hug, your ear pressed against his chest. You could hear his heartbeat and you felt at home.


"Ice skating? What's that?"

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ICE SKATING IS." Childe turned to you with the most aghast face, "HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS??"

"Whaaaaaat??" Teucer turned to you with the same expression as his brother. He was sleeping over with you two at a local inn because he couldn't wait to meet you, and he had been so determined to impress you the entire night.

"Careful with the soup!" You took the bowl of soup from Childe's hands before he could drop it on the floor, "Look, I grew up in Inazuma, we hardly had any contact with other nations."

"Oh I have to take you tomorrow it will be so fun," Childe exclaimed excitedly. You smiled at his inexhaustible energy as you all ate (drank???) your soup.

"It sounds... icy," you hesitated, "I've only been here one day and I already decided that I don't like ice."

"Oh I'm sure you'll love it Y/n it's really fun!" Teucer grinned at you, showing a gap in his teeth.  You had only known him for three hours but you were already smitten.

"Oi don't try to steal Y/n from me." your boyfriend teased, "They're all mine." He looked back up at you with lustful eyes.

"Not too sure about that... Teucer's got my heart. I think you've got competition." You smirked at Childe, knowing exactly how to tease him. He jokingly glared at you across the table and pulled a face.

"You are kidding, right?"



"Teucer's asleep." You quietly called to your boyfriend as you tiptoed down the hallway into the living room. Teucer had asked you to read him a bedtime story... and another one... and another one.

You heard a soft grunt from Childe on the couch. Obviously he was tired, and you were too. It had been a long day.

You stared at the figure spread out on the sofa. From his ginger hair to his toned arms and legs, he was gorgeous. Oh how lucky you were to have such a dashing young boyfriend.

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