~ When they get jealous ~

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When someone is flirting with you/getting close to you

(you are already in a relationship with them)



Immediately runs up to you and wraps his arms around your neck

Stays until you walk away from person

Glares at them as you walk away

Tries to put it out of his mind


Has been watching from a distance

Glares at person when they try getting closer

If person gets too close, he will grab your arm and teleport

Thinks you would pick some other person over him (pls give this boy some love)


Bold of them to try to steal you

Walks up and puts his arm around your waist

Probably makes out with you to make them feel uncomfortable

Stares judgingly at the person until they're gone


Doesn't know what to do

Waits until they leave

Starts thinking you'd leave him (give this boy affection)

So sweet :'D


Watches from a distance for a while

If he senses you're uncomfortable, he'll walk up and entwine hands

May rest his head on your shoulder

Tries not to think about it afterwards


Eye twitching

Very impressive entrance

"Oh? Y/n? Who is this?"

Very passive aggressive

They feel chills


Stands beside you

Smiles at person in a scary way

Overly friendly (to the point where it's scary)

If the person is persistent, he threatens them

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