Chapter 15-Winters Ball Round Two

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(⬆️ Liliana)

The ball was only in a few hours and all the students were already done with classes, getting ready in their dorms or in a friends dorm.

The school seemed alive as you heard people whispering in their dorms and laughing or complementing one another, everyone filled with excitement and energy.

I was in my own dorm, putting Liliana in her dress after i had tied her hair up into pigtails, when i heard a knock on the door.

I finished putting the dress on her quickly and picked her up, opening the door to see Tatum in her dress already ready.

I smiled.

"Hello Tatum, come in." I said

She walked in and closed the door after her, taking Liliana from my arms.

"You should get ready, the ball starts in less than an hour." She said, before walking into Lilli's room.

I sighed and went to my own room to get ready.


After I was dressed, I walked into Lilli's room to see her and Tatum reading a story while sitting on a small beanbag chair.

"Are you two ready to go?" I ask, walking over and taking Lilli from Tatum.

Tatum nods and we walk down to the Great Hall together.

When we enter the room, almost everyone is already there. The door must've been too loud because everyone stops talking and turns to us.

I ignore the stares and look around for Draco, finally spotting him and Blaise sitting at a table near the tables that have snacks and drinks, small house elf's are walking around with platters of food and drinks as well.

I walk over to Draco and sit down next to him, Tatum following me.

"Hello Draco." I say, setting our daughter on my lap.

"Hello Brinley, Liliana." He said, smiling at the two of us.

I smiled back and Lilli wiggled out of my lap, sliding onto the floor and crawling away underneath the tables as people passed, not paying attention to the ground.

I panicked and stood up, trying to follow her but losing her when a group of laughing first years walked in front of me to reach the snack table.

My heart started beating rapidly as I desperately searched the ground looking for the small 5-month-old child, but failing to spot her.

My vision began blurry as the overwhelming sense that something would go wrong took over, and I felt a few tears running down my cheek.

I couldn't see Liliana anywhere so I did the only thing I could think of and ran to where most of the professors, the ones not dancing, were standing.

"Professor McGonagall! Professor McGonagall!" I called out, running over to the head of Gryffindor house as she was to only one not in a direct conversation at the moment

The professor turned around and saw the look of worry on my face immediately.

"Brinley, dear, what happened? Is everything all right?" She said, walking briskly towards me and gently grabbing my shoulders.

"No- It's Lilli- she's- i-" I broke down completely as McGonagall pulled me into her chest and I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Liliana slipped off my lap and crawled away, I can't find her, she's only 5 months old I don't know what to do!" I managed to say in between sobs.

McGonagall walked me back over to the teachers, who were all looking at us. She sat me down at the table and turned to the headmaster, quickly explaining what happened in a calm voice, obviously trying to keep me calm.

The headmaster walked away and quickly went over to where Hagrid and professor Flitwick were, explaining to them what happened as McGonagall explained to Snape and the other teachers in the corner.

The teachers, minus McGonagall, went out to try and find Liliana as McGonagall tried reassuring me that she would be found.

At some point, Tatum, Draco, and Blaise walked over and I had to explain why I got up so quickly. Tatum and Blaise went to go help find her as Draco sat down next to me.

"Brin, it's okay, the teachers will find her." Draco said, gently grabbing my hand.

"But- what if she- what if she gets hurt? Or crawls through the doors of the great hall or-" I stopped. "Draco what if she crawls through the doors of the great hall?!" I said with a more panicked tone.

McGonagall got up quickly and left, probably to go to the doors herself. Draco pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me.

I leaned into him and closed my eyes, calming down a little. Draco ran his fingers through my hair as I slowly fell into a dreamless sleep, the thought of Lilli in any danger leaving my brain.

That thought should've been my priority thought...


Hahaha cliff hanger for good measures.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to update Alot, I have alot going on in life and I haven't had time, but I want to try and update more in these coming months, also..

Summer! Summer break is coming up and I'll be able to write Alot more then, anyways.

If you have any suggestions for this story I would love to hear them! I think you can tell from the last sentence (Yes, it's foreshadowing) the next chapter will be a little sad.

I hope you all have a lovely day, week, month, year, etc. And please make sure to vote, it's the little star in the corner!

 Not A Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें