Part 8

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I pass by Didi's bed who is sleeping peacefully to the bathroom. I wipe the red liquid off my arm and forehead. Then drop the wig and white dress in the basket. So much fun today. That girl just screamed her lung out. Compare to the other days, she seems to be aware of her sin tonight.

I scoff at the mirror and strip off my dress when the sweat clings on my whole body. I stand in front of the mirror and take the disguise off my face, the fake flesh on the nose and cheeks. I drop the dark lens in the mug and stroke my bare, original face.

The stitches left, yet the scabs and scars remain. I rub my under lip and cheekbone which few scars are being seen so clear. The medical treatment can take them away but not the scars linger in my head and heart.

I turn my back, checking the fifteen stitches upper the hip. Though a year flies, my anger and revenge do not lean on the wind. I chin up and are about to jump in the bubble bathtub if the milk-like door ahead me isn't being opened. My big brown eyes crash on the floor with that unexpected guest. Rubbing his eyes drowsily, Didi closes the door and heads to the sink. I bet he wants to wash his face, but―it is where I am standing.

"D-d-Didi!!" I stutter with that no-more-innocent gaze. He stands still with his eyes looks up and down my body. Those black pupils don't even blink!! Damn! I-I am―SHIRTLESS!!

"AHhhhhhhh!! Didi, that's not a reaction of a three-year-old kid!! CLOSE YOUR EYES!!" I throw something nearby and wear myself a towel in a second. Goshh!! I'm showing off in front of below five kid, huh?

My jaw drop to the floor when I turn back and my bra is on his face. Goshh! What did I throw him!?

"H-hey-hey! You are three years old! Don't come near!" I jump like I am standing on a bonfire when Didi grabs my bra away and gains his steps toward me. There is nothing I can read in his eyes. He doesn't clap or laugh like an idiot as usual. I gulp when my back already touch the sink.

"DIDI!!!" My heart breaks in pieces with that pajama of him lying happily on the floor. And that remained boxers of him too being thrown away.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU PERVERT KIDDDD!! GO AWAY DIDI!!" I cry my lung out and face palm in a second. Goshhh, he's never been this weird. Though his brain is a three-year-old kid, he can bath and dress himself. I'm glad since I don't have to look after his not-a-three-year-old-kid brother too. Anyway, it is not what I have to worry at the moment. I gulp when a hot air is surrounding me right now. I slowly open my eyes and get heart attack with the bare chest in front of me.

But it is not as bad as those strong arms which are now cuddling me. Godd, I wanna die!

"Did―" I shut my mouth and eyes when that hairy guy is lowing his face to my level. A hot breath runs on my cheekbone and down to my throat and collarbone. Goshh, these things cause me hair-raising!

"Quack quack quack " I immediately open my eyes with that strange sound. Didi slants his head to the left and squeezes the yellow thing in his hand.

"Quackkkk quackkkk quackkkk" I drop my jaw with that Miki, Didi's toy duck. So he was taking this thing on the wash basin? Goshh, I thought I was going to die. Again, he gives me another heart attack with his figure jumps in the bathtub. Goshh, my luck. Already bow down, collecting his clothes.

"DIDI!! STOP SPLASHING!!" I yell when the bubbles cover the nearby floor. Damn!! What's wrong with him, taking a shower in the midnight?

Sighing, I snatch the shampoo from that big hand and sit on the bathtub rim. I pour the liquid on my palm with some water and rub it on his long black hair. There are many bubbles which put a smile on Didi's face. He pulls my hand to get the white bubbles. Accidentally, he plays too much until the shampoo reaches his eyes.

"AHHHH!! DIDI, WAITTTT!! AHHHNOOOOOOO!" I lost my breath when the towel just slides down my body with his every-directions hands. And say goodbye to the world when that thick beard is rubbing my breast with his warm lip running on it bravely. Fudge you!! My chest is not your towel! And I end up bathing with him. He is a three-year-old kid, right? Yeah, he is just three. He is a kid. He has mental breakdown. His brain is three.

But why is my whole body damn hot like a boiling water? Why can't that not-a-three-year-old Didi stop haunting my head??

I crawl my dead and injured body to the bedroom and lie on the mat immediately.

"Oh my, Didi! I'm so sleepy!! Pleaseeeeeee!!" I sob inconsolably when my small figure is being dropped on the Ben ten's mattress. Later on, a volcano and earthquake take place on the bed.

Damn, where on earth he gets this super power from? at 2 a.m? My back ache and my body just bounce with his bunny hop. I almost kiss the ceiling.

After a century, Didi finally stops his stupid exercise. I close my eyes, sleeping when my head don't dance a crazy rock n' roll anymore.

"DIDI WHAT'RE YOU DOING!!?? THIS IS NOT A BALLOON THAT HAS WATER IN!!" I really have to die today. That silly kid pokes my left boob and laughs happily when it shakes. That slender finger keeps poking, touching the softness.

"DIDI!! THEY'RE NOT TOYS! NOT YOUR NEW TOYS!!" I cry my heart out when I don't have much energy to kick that big figure to the sun. He is now lifting up my top and throws the bra away. The lip touches his ears as those slender fingers can own my babies.

"DIDI!! STOP ITTTTTTTT!! THAT HURTTTTTTTTSSSSSSS!! TTOTT" I roll my body to the left and right, escaping his grip and the electricity getting through my flesh from those wide palms. He is three but why does he do this!!!??

"DIDI!! PLEASEEEEEE!! I'll let you kiss me but not this pleaseeeeeeee!! I'm sorry, I'll buy you a tank of chocolate tomorrow. Three tanks or even build a warehouse for it! Get up, pleaseeeee!! Your heavy weight is breaking my bones!!" I beg that turn-to-devil Didi. He gets mad since I haven't given him the candy for these three days. I've been busy with Hyeri as Taekwoon will be back tomorrow. And now he is killing me with that elephant body. He sits on my laps, blocking me to roll down and hide under the bed.

"DIDIIIII!! My eyes jump to the ankle as that hot wet thing is now caressing my chest!! Ahhhhhhh, since when he strips off my t-shirt???


"DIDI!!! I meant the lip one!! NOT THIS AREAAAAA!!!!"


Dear, master Jung! I'd like to request for a day off to.. D.I.E

Your brother is not my typical-three-year-old kid.

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