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Seb called dr.harvey to come over. "i mean you obviously dont have a temperature....but...hold on let me do some tests, ill be back tomorrow morning ok?" i nodded and seb went with harvey to help him. "i called alex hell be here in a bit." i thanked him and went to lay in bed. My whole body felt like when i entered a church for the first and only time, it was like being on fire and freezing to death at the same time. i heard Alex come in and run into my room, "hey the pack is here. whats wrong?" he held my hand and i pulled it away. i didnt wanna be touched by anyone. "ren? oh no...ok whats going on?" i turned to see nathan towering over Alex, he moved his son and checked my wrists. "blood...have you eaten any animals lately?" i nodded heavily.  "what animal?" i looked up at him and tried to sit up. "a...deer i think. i gave it to shane he should know what it was." Nathan looked shocked and tried to hide a little smile but i could see it. "you shared...with a werewolf?" i threw up again. "did you by chance get scratched or bit by shane?" my face went red and the throw up was stuck in my throat making me feel worse. "ill take that as a yes. oh shane?" nathan left and went to the farm where most of the stardew pack was. Shane standing tall and betterly kempt then before. 

"did you by chance scratch or even bite my dear vampire daughter?" nathan asked teasingly. the rest of the pack laughed and teased him. "i..may have had a small bite or two." he said trying not to blush and failing. Almost immediately Harvey came running back with seb, "ren! oh theres alot of werewolves ren!" harvey came inside yelling with a book in hand. Seb went up to the pack and told them what had happened. "you were bite and are turning into a werewolf mix. if you want to be a werewolf thats fine but whoever bit you they have to...well they have to have sex with you. and if you dont want to all you have to do is drink just a little of the werewolves blood that bite or scratched you." he showed me the book and i nodded. "so its either get laid and be a werewolf forever, or kill my friend?" he shook his head, "no no you just need one bite just a little bit, it doesnt even need to fill you just a drop is enough but you do have to bite him." i got up holding the rest of the throw up in and shane stood there waiting for my answer. 

*alexs pov*

this...isnt fair.

*shanes pov*

oh fuck they are for sure gonna bite me...its gonna hurt.

*rens pov*

i stood leaning on the door frame, harvey trying to hold me up but really sweaty and way too afraid about what he was about to witness. "so it looks like i have a choice at least" i chuckled, seb looked at me worried. "so shane what do you think?" i said wanting him to help make this less tense. "welp its gonna hurt like a bitch but lets get you back to you." he moved forward waiting for me to meet him halfway. "boy wait are you sure you want them to do this?" nathan tried to say before shane said yes. "ren doesn't deserve to be something they never wanted to be. if their opinion has changed on living as a werewolf then ill need everyone to go home." he smirked at me making me smile back. i couldnt focus on anyone except him, and that stupid neck that i really wanted to bite. "it will hurt. and im really not sorry." i laughed as i jumped down and bit into him. he howled in pain and i only took a drop of blood, i couldnt handle anymore. His blood tasted like warm alcohol. "fuck!" he grabbed at his neck and harvey ran to him and wrapped it up, he made sure that i only took blood and didnt turn him and i did. he gave everyone a thumbs up and everyone took a breathe they were all holding. " how do you feel?" seb grabbed my hand worried. "shane i think youre gonna need to cut it on the alcohol, fuck" i laughed and he smiled back, "but if i did that you might've take more blood than i was ok with" i could stand on my own and the party finally was ready to start. 

As the night went on Alex and Shane turned into werewolves and ran into the forest together. Sam, vincent and i were playing fetch and the older people were all talking about stuff i didnt really care about. vincent ran up to me with the frisbee. "AGAIN! please..." i threw it with a smile. sam came back and i let the smile fade. "youre uh good with kids." i nodded, "yeah they arent the worst things in the world" i looked around and heard alex howl as they entered my farm again. "Damn! that was so much fun!" he sounded out of breathe and then Shane came up behind him laughing. "im blaming ren biting me for you being faster" everyone smiled and hugged alex. my pack would be here 2 more days and then would leave, so for the time being alex decided to stay on the farm as well and helped me set everyone up. "oh ren can i sleep in your room? looks like everyone else got the rest of the rooms." i nodded moving my pillow from the middle so hed have room. i didnt feel angry at him anymore and i started to let myself let go of him, especially after today the feelings for him started to fade. 

"ren! really dont want to be a werewolf" nathan came up to me and took me outside as the pups and others in the pack were being routy. "im sorry but no, if i was to turn it would have to be for a better reason. i like how i am. im happy like this and frankly just because i lived with you all for so long doesnt necessarily mean i am one of you. Youre my kin, my blood in my eyes but i dont know how ill feel about eating actual food for necessity and drinking water. thats alot of work...3 times a day? and sleeping is a must?!" i laughed and so did he. "i get it, you were born like this. itll take more than shane having some fun to make you change it." i blushed and pushed him off my porch. "fuck off nathan." he laughed and alex ran out and helped his dad up. hey at least im not sick anymore. 

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