sleepover pt.1

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should be stated rens pack in the house is 5 people per room. so thats 20 people in the house not including ren and alex who are sleeping in rens room. I realized i didnt say that before, sorry. also all the pups are younger than vincent.



Everyone was asleep except ren. they went to the farm to walk around and think, they ended up at the greenhouse thinking of what to do with it when a shadowy figure came up. "you could fill it to cover the sun with like leaves and stuff." shane said quietly. "why are you awake so late?" you asked the tired looking wolf. "ren...go on a date with me?" "im sorry what?" "date with me. anytime anywhere but i need to know if...i like you alot. ok? and i need to know if we did date what would it be like because while i love wanting to fuck your brains out and never actually getting to i want to see if we can actually be anything more than that." you stared at his green eyes in silence. The crickets and little bubbles from the water nearby was all that could be heard. "saloon....tomorrow afternoon." you said quietly as you walked back inside. he looked shocked at your response but left the farm a few minutes later. Morning came and nathan and Alex were the only two awake. "you ok ren?" alex asked grabbing your shoulder, you nodded with a furrowed brow. "oh no" nathan said as you left the house. "what is it?" alex confused and worried look to his father. "shes in love and extremely not ok with it. damn, really thought she would end up with you kiddo. oh well" he walked off leaving his son in unknowing angwish. 

it was just before 12, gus let you in early and you ordered the food you wanted for the two of you. you sat in the chair wearing a dark blue dress, it had spaghetti straps and you wore fishnets and dark red boots with a dark red cardigan. "you ok ren?" gus said as he gave you a glass of blood and left some wine for shane. "yeah...just...i think im nervous." you said realizing you have been shaking your leg this whole time. "yeah i coulda told you that. i mean why" you shrugged realizing you want this date to go well. you didnt want to sabotage it for the first time in a long time. suddenly you see the door open and your eyes widened and the smile from your face quickly vanished as marnie entered looking worried. you realized it was storming outside, all you heard from marnie was "i cant find shane" you stood up and ran out into the rain. ignoring all the words coming from the two inside. You looked up and sniffed the air and ran to the edge of the cliff near the sewers, where shane laid with an empty bottle leaving his hand and hitting the waters below. "shane?" you said worried and shaky. "ren? oh sorry." he moved his head to face you but you saw how close he was to the edge and then saw the other bottles of beer he had already downed. you started to tear up. "shane you missed our date" you smiled at him and he looked at your wet clothes. "aw im sorry you look very beautiful" he slurred. 

"why are you out here shane?" you sat in the mud making your clothes dirty but you didnt think about it, all you thought was how to get shane out of here. " i dont want to live. i dont see a point. all i do is work and drink and all my money goes to drinking and i cant kick it. when i do anything for the pack i feel like i have to like theres no choice, if i dont i will be useless." You stared at him and realized there's only one thing you really could say that would help him. "Shane....the choice is yours but know that I'll be here for you either way." He reached for you asking you to take him to Harvey, and with a poof you were in the front room where maru and Harvey stood in shock of the two wet muddy figures that poofed in.

"Hell be ok, just needs rest right now. I pumped his stomach so...thank you for saving him." You nodded worried about your friend. You learned to detach yourself from people when they show signs of not wanting to live or get close to death but Shane was different. You couldn't lose him. You walked home and realized how you looked, instead you poofed into sebs room where he was shirtless singing to his playlists he was blasting. He turned to see you smiling and soaked covered in mud. "what happened are you ok?" he went to grab your hands and take you to his bathroom. 

*rens pov*

"im fine just...didnt want the pack to see me." i looked around his bathroom, it was alot brighter in here then i expected, theres even a window weirdly enough. "i get it. here let me get some clothes, are you ok using my towel? ive only used it once since i washed it yesterday." i nodded not really caring. he gave me clothes and i took a shower. "so...what happened?" he asked sitting on the toilet waiting for me to be done. "shane...we were supposed to be on a date and he almost commited...i uh i found him on the cliff edge and hes at harveys now." seb pulled the curtain, my eyes were red i could feel tears welling up but i couldnt feel them fall since i was in the shower. "are you ok? is this your first" he started and realized i was naked. i shook my head and he grabbed the towel as i stepped out of the shower. "here. come here" he held me and wrapped me in the towel i started crying into him. he helped me get changed and i sat in his bed reading comics as he worked on his programming stuff. we stayed silent until sam opened the door yelling about shane. "DUDE shane is NOT ok oh ren...hey" i nodded at sam and went back to the comic books. "i know, ren was the one who found him..." they both looked at me as i ignored them. "are you ok ren?" sam came up and held my hand. i nodded blankly and went back to the comic book. Sam left soon after knowing this wasn't the place to talk about it, soon alex came as well with angry eyes. "are you ok?! you had us worried." he sat next to me ignoring the vampire who was obviously taking good care of me. "im fine. but you should go, you smell like wet dog." he looked angry. "YEAH CAUSE I SPENT 4 HOURS LOOKING FOR YOU AFTER MARNIE CAME OVER SAYING WHAT HAPPENED THEN SAM CAME TO TALK TO US ABOUT IT! are you fuckin kidding me?! i was worried you ran off again!" i looked to seb who seemed confused. i told him this wasnt the first person who tried or did do this kinda thing infront of me, living for 123 years will do that. I took a deep breathe and pushed the wet dog away. "im not running. i was worried and i didnt know where to go to calm down. going to you and the pack was off the table especially after last time. so leave. now." he obeyed and i knew i had to tell seb what happened last time, as it got later we decided to sit by the lake and i told him.

*time skip to after the story i will do a vague summary but i dont wanna write that kinda stuff rn.*

"so...he just jumped. and tried to bring you with him?" i nodded "did you bite him?" I nodded again. "he said if he couldnt live forever with me he wanted both of us to i bite him and he just got mad and grabbed me" seb nodded and took a drag from his cigarette. "so tell me this, how many have you seen and how many people did you try to save?" i looked out at the water wishing i didnt keep count. "ive only seen 30...but i tried to save 25. i couldnt do it anymore, only 1 of them knew i was a vampire though." he nodded "what about you?" he threw a rock into the water. "60. i only tried to save 1." i nodded. hes been around about the same amount of time i have. we sat in silence after that.

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