Chapter 6 -Today Was the Day-

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"Fairy and Vagabond, please come to the Power-Up Circle. Fairy and Vagabond, please cone to the Power-Up Circle."

Vagabond tilted his head back and closed his eyes, groaning as soon as he heard the names being said. It was the day after Vagabond had been smashed to the ground by the big bad wolf. Because of that, his body ached all over and gave him small headaches. The only good thing about that day was the wolf pup that they had obtained, though Vagabond didn't really like the thing. He was afraid that it would start smacking him to the ground as well.

Vagabond was too tired to move his body to the circle let alone stand up, but Fairy refused to let him sit on his rump all day.

"Vaaaaagaaaaaboooooonnd," Fairy whined."C'mon! Get up!" Her hands were pulling on Vagabond's hand in an attempt to get him on his feet.

Vagabond smiled up at her and continued to stay seated. "Pull me up then."

"No fair! You know I don't have upper body strength!"

Vagabond laughed at the pouting girl and stood up dusting his butt off.

"Don't you mean strength all together?" Fairy gasped putting her right hand to her chest.

Vagabond just laughed again at Fairy's pseudo hurt. The hand that Vagabond held on to started to lightly pull him once again and this time he let his body get pulled.

Though it might've been a new day, the feeling on the soles of his feet continued to burn with the same feeling yesterday. Only this time, it burned twice as bad.


Fairy continued to tug on Vagabond's arm towards the structure.

At the edge of the circle stood the couple's father and his assistant, both standing tall with their red and blue eyes watching the two.

"You're here," their father, the red eyed boy from the tower, spoke with a pleasant smile. "I'm glad you both were able to make it."

"We had to, didn't we?" Vagabond grumbled sourly earning him an elbow to his stomach from Fairy, though it didn't really hurt him that much. It actually didn't hurt him at all

"What he meant father is that we were happy to be here," Fairy said bowing her head a little.

Father smiled, a sad, remorseful feeling stabbing at his heart.

"I'm glad that you're happy to be here. Well, we must get ready for the power up. Sophia, please escort Fairy to the circle."

Sophia, the blue eyes lady, nodded and walked over to Fairy with one hand wrapped around her clipboard and the other showing the way towards the circle. "Please follow me."

Fairy smiled and eagerly went towards the circle. She was excited that she was chosen to be powered up. Her heart beat erratically as she blindly followed Sophia, never questioning why she was chosen when Hellhound and Inugami, the pup, were still level 1.

Father turned towards the warrior, ignoring the evident glare that he was given. "Follow me please," he spoke though it sounded more like an order. With that being said Father turned around and walked towards where the unfortunate monsters were placed when they were used as feed.

Vagabond was hesitant at first but followed him after a while. It was't like he had a choice anyways. The two boys walked in silence, the air around them was becoming heavy with tension.

"So," Vagabond spoke up."Why am I-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence.

Father suddenly grabbed Vagabond's arm with a strong grip, pulled him forward causing Vagabond to stumble, and punched him in the face. Blood dripped down from Vagabond's nose as he covered his bloody nose with his hands.

The warrior bent over groaning in pain, but his father didn't care. Today was the day. He can't go back now.

The red eyed boy grabbed Vagabond's neck and dragged the boy towards a humongous cage. The cage was used to trap the monster used as feed inside so that they weren't able to escape their inevitable doom.

The sound of the door opening with a loud creaking noise filled Vagabond with dread. He now knew why he was called over here with Fairy.

The thought of him being used as feed made Vagabond's body shake like leaf on a windy day. He had to leave.

Vagabond began to thrash about and tried desperately to reach for his sword.

His father glared down at the boy and tightened his hold on his neck causing the warrior to hiss in pain. Vagabond stopped his thrashing for only a moment giving his father a chance to knee him in the gut.

The air was knocked out of his lungs leaving him breathless. Using this time of weakness, the red eyed boy threw Vagabond inside the cage, locking the door giving Vagabond no escape.

Yes. The today was the day.

A/N: HERE IT IS FINALLY. and you dudez probably know whaaaaattttt will happen. Dont hate meh plz. Bai Bai :3

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