Chapter 11

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The golem's heavy steps echoed throughout the hallway behind the three monsters. It was doing its best to be as quiet as possible, thinking that it hadn't been caught yet. Inugami and Hellhound didn't mind its presence. They both just continued to move forward with their tails pointing to the ceiling. Fairy walked behind the two while listening to hear how far her newfound friend was.

The hallway was like a never ending path that had small lit torches whenever it got too dark to see anything. Dust flew around them causing a few sneezes from the three monsters, Golems not being able to cough or sneeze.

As the team and the fire golem continued their way, the team were beginning to hear thunderous footsteps similar to the comrade that was following them.

Fairy, Inugami, and Hellhound slowed down and carefully placed their steps down so that whoever was at the end of the hall didn't hear them.

Some steps were louder than others, some weren't as loud, and some of them caused the floor to quake. What they all shared in common though was how slow they were. Whenever one footstep was heard, it took a while to hear the next.

Inugami looked over at Fairy while Hellhound looked about ready to pounce the things down the hall.

The golem was now closer to them than ever before. It seemed as though being seen was the last thing on his mind as he stared at the three with clenched fists. Golems may be easy to befriend, but they were never merciful to people who tried to harm its family.

Fairy's mind didn't focus on the golem behind them and was now moving slowly towards the end of the hall along with her comrades. Each step now being placed with great care while heartbeats were beating erratically.

Before they were able to make it to the end of the hall, the golem moved its heavy body in their way making sure none of them could get through.

"What the?" Fairy looked up at the monster before her.

Inugami quickly moved in front of Hellhound. His body was shielding the golem from the hound's anger along with his claws and teeth. Hellhound growled in annoyance at the interference. He wanted the prey just at the end of the hall. His teeth ached just from the thought of sinking his teeth into the flesh of his enemy's.

"Please move. We need to get through," Fairy told the one that stood in their way, but the golem refused to follow her orders. He, instead, sat down in front of them. The golem looked as if he was a child that had fell back onto his bum.

The thing wasn't moving and Hellhound hated it. He was trying to find a way around Inugami so that he can threaten the golem to move, but his big brother wasn't allowing it.

Fairy was glad that Inugami was restricting Hellhound from biting the friendly golem. She didn't want to fight someone, or something, when they just became friends with them.

"Okay then," Fairy sighed,"We'll find another way around. C'mon guys."

Hellhound whined and tried even harder to get passed Inugami, but to no avail. Giving up, Hellhound turned around and followed Fairy with a small pout on his muzzle. Inugami walked behind the blood red hound, never letting his guard down. You never know when the hound will strike.

Golem was left in the middle of the hall. Eyes of small golems were being drilled into their brother's back, watching him with admiration and thanks.

Family first and friends second.


The mimic was always a blabber mouth. It never knew how to keep secrets well and never knew when to keep its mouth shut. Due to its lack of friends because of this, the mimic doesn't know what is right and what is wrong. Their knowledge is only to watch, listen, and gossip. That is why mimics are useful to rulers. They always told the truth and never kept any secrets.

So, when the mimic's small body hopped over to the father of all golems, the ruler of Mt. Siz, the ruler knew that something happened.

"......What.......Have.......You......Got...ten........Now?" The king asked in a low, raspy voice. His body bigger than all the rest. His heavy body was resting in the shadows and was curled up in a ball on the floor. His eyes were closed as if he was in a deep sleep, but golems didn't have that ability to do so.

"I heard and I saw!" The mimic giggled and laughed to himself,"Not one, nor two, but three little monsters that aren't of our own! A blue girl and two dogs!"

The king's eyes opened slowly from the information as he moved his body to stand up.

"A traitor! A traitor! I saw a traitor of our own!"

The ruler froze. His body was hunched over with his hands on his rocky knees. The floor shook along with the king's anger, the fire in his body was burning brighter than any other.

"Kill! Kill! Kill the traitor! The traitor!" The mimic coaxed him.

With his upper body thrown back, a thunderous roar shook the entire building as the golems roared along side the pain of their father.

A/N: Sorry for terribleness and lateness. Gtg. Bai Bai :3

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