Chapter 13

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A/N: A line in this song reminded me of this X3. It's Jenny's cover of Undertale Asgore's theme

The golem, almost the size of three average sized golems stacked on top of each other, rose to his feet. His heavy fists were lifted from the immense damage they caused. The great king, the father of all golems, was filled with great grief that it felt like cold water was seeping through his rocky cover and painfully cooling down the lava that burned within him. Disgust and anger grew with every second knowing that the murderers of his children were standing just a few feet away from him.

Hellhound was now on his paws growling at his prey. His teeth were bared towards the enemy in front of him. Inugami was the same, watching the enemy carefully. Fairy had her right hand raised ready to attack and heal, though her legs were slightly shaking.

The team surrounded the king with Hellhound on his left, Inugami on his right, and Fairy right in front of him.

Hellhound made the first move and ran head first to the king. He jumped up and dug his claws into the golem while biting into him, but it didn't phase his enemy at all. It was almost like he couldn't feel pain at all. Instead, he threw the hound up in the air and twisted his body so his other fist would collide into the red canine's body, but before he could Aqua Hurricane, Fairy's skill, redirected his fist to punch just barely above Hellhound.

Inugami moved quickly on his feet and jumped towards his brother. Before Hellhound could hit the ground, Inugami jumped and grabbed the back of the Hound's neck like a parent would with its puppy. The wolf landed gracefully on his paws and put his little brother down carefully. As soon as Hellhound was placed down, he jumped to his feet glaring at his older brother.

'I don't need your help!' Hellhound growled childishly. Monsters had a mind link that helped them communicate to others, though some monsters didn't have this ability. This was given to monsters that couldn't talk to compensate for their inability to speak.

'If you stopped getting yourself in danger then maybe I would,' Inugami said calmly before turning around to help Fairy. The wolf could feel the glare aimed at his back, but he payed no attention to it.

Inugami moved swiftly and ran around underneath King Golem. The king tried to back up away from the wolf jumping around clawing at his legs, but the wolf stayed close to his feet.

Fairy used this time to heal Hellhound up. The cute on his skin were quickly closed up as a soothing sensation swept over his body.

Barking out thanks to his sister, the canine moved quickly to help his team mate.

The great golem was still focused on the thing zipping around his feet. A frustrated rumble was let out as steam rolled off his body. Out of frustration, the king rose his fist and smashed it in Inugami's general area. The wolf jumped out of the way just before he got crushed and ran up the bulky arm and jumped on the middle of the golems chest, his weak point.

Hellhound bit and clawed at the golem's feet until it fell onto its back. Fairy helped as well by busying its hands with her attack skill. Inugami bit into the red, liquid that surrounded the core of the monster before him.

He shook his muzzle furiously trying to rip the thing out. The golem screamed from the pain of teeth clamping down on his weak point. His lava, now looking more like blood, was starting to drip down his body as his arms started to detach from his body and fall apart.

When the wolf finally ripped the golem's core out of his body, the king laid still as his eyes stared up at the ceiling above him. His mind remembering the birth of his children and the cries of his children's death. He remembered the happiness he felt when he first saw his babies working together to make there small little castle. He remembered the sadness he felt when he heard the sobs that came from his grandchildren. At least he'll join them now. He'll join them in his next life.

His body crumbled as lava started to flood out of the cracks of his body. He could hear the cheers of the intruders slowly fade out.

Such red eyes those are......


"We did it!!!" Fairy jumped in joy. Hellhound yipped happily, jumping into his sister's arms and licking happily at her cheeks. Inugami just watched from the sidelines as the both of them were goofing off.

The golem king was now destroyed and their mission was finally over. The three can finally go home and take a much needed break. Fairy smiled as she gently pushed Hellhound off her.

"Okay team," Fairy said as she got to her feet, finally done messing around,"Let's go home and tell father that we finished." The blue haired monster rose her hand towards an empty space and the gateway opened up back to their home.

Hellhound barked at the sight of the portal and hurriedly jumped inside in an unmannerly fashion. Fairy went to follow him, but her other brother caught her attention. Inugami made no move to enter the portal and only stared at it as if he could sense something weird on the other side.

Fairy tilted her head,"Inu? Are you alright?" She was concerned about her brother. Wasn't he glad that they won? Wasn't he glad to finally go home?

The wolf shook his head and walked through the portal, his head held high as his senses came back to him.

It was unusual for him to act out of character. The pup may be distant from his teammates, but he never dazed off in space before. Fairy can't even remember a time where he let his guard down, not even for a moment. Well, it made sense since he was the big brother. On their island, the oldest brother usually has feelings of wanting to protect their fellow brothers and sisters like a father with his children. The oldest sister also has these feelings, but those feelings tend to be more motherly.

Fairy pushed the questions to the back of her mind and stepped through the portal. She would have a small conversation with him when they were less tired.

As soon as she walked through the portal, she walked straight into a wall. Or that's what she thought. Fairy fell backwards and landed on her bum, making a small 'eep'ing sound when she fell to the ground.

"Owwwwww," Fairy was about to stand, but stopped herself when a gloved hand was in front of her face. Her eyes widened and snapped up towards the two new monsters that joined her home.

"3 star fire Golem has been summoned. 4 star fire Vampire has been summoned. Welcome, new recruits, to our home.

A/N: I KNOW!!! Im hungry :3. Anywahs other then my tummy problems, my other problem is that im forgetting how i should end this X3. Didn't change mah mind about the second story about their children tho. Aslo, my vamp didn't come until later in life butt he's too cute so I brought him in sooner. Bai Bai :3.

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