Chapter 12

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Fairy continued to walk down the path with Inugami and Hellhound beside her, the red hound continuously tried to jump on Inugami's back while the wolf just kept walking. Inugami would sometimes adjust his body a little to get a bit more comfortable with his little brother on his back, but doing so would accidentally make Hellhoud slip off and so the cycle continued.

Fairy smiled at the two in amusement as her eyes wondered around the building.

After the incident with their rocky friend, the trio didn't think that the golem would follow them again. Their assumption was wrong though because the faint thumping of heavy steps could still be heard behind them.

As the team kept walking down hallway a great agonizing roar resounded throughout the building. The floor violently shook making Fairy lose her footing and fall while Hellhound and Inugami crouched low to the ground.

"Wh-what was that?!" Fairy exclaimed.

After the quaking of the earth had settled, cries of the king's children followed after. They weren't as intense as their father's, but it was enough to worry the small group.

Hellhound let out a small whine which caused Inugami to move closer to him. Fairy also heard this and immediately picked herself up. As their big sister, she had to make sure the mission came out a success without losing any of her brothers. Not like last time.

Now filled with determination, Fairy rushed the group forward towards King Golem's room.

The hound was now getting the action that he was hoping for as fire and earth golems stood blocking their way. They acted differently than their friend that was still accompanying them, their fists ready to slam them to the ground. The small golems were left to hide from the intruders, but quietly watched from the side.

Hellhound ran straight to the enemies with loud growls and harmful bites. Fairy protected him by attacking any golems that moved to attack the small canine. Inugami, being the strongest in the team, defended Fairy from any harm. He knew that she was the only healer on the team and that losing her would make their mission harder than it had to be. Golems were taken down one at a time with Fairy healing Hellhound more than the wolf. He was just a ball of red excitement jumping on anything that moved.

During this battle, a few small golems had to avert their eyes from the horrific scene. Their family was being destroyed to a pile of rocks right before their eyes and they couldn't do anything about it.

The golem that had followed the team stood in the sidelines, his hands clenching and relaxing. He wanted to so desperately save his family, but the figure beside him held him back.

'You'll die alongside them.'

'Don't fight a losing battle.'

'Just close your eyes and act like everything is alright.'

Whispers of truth were told to him and the golem couldn't stop them. A blood red scythe kept him from moving a single rock in his body, knowing that doing so would cost him a leg or an arm. Maybe even both.

The last pain filled cry from the last golem signified the end of the battle leaving a victory to the team.

Inugami and Hellhound stepped on the golems crumbled bodies to continued their mission, uncaring of the piles of rocks that used to be sentient. Unlike them though, Fairy made sure that the dead got the respect they deserved and maneuvered around the golems.

Once the three murderers were out of sight, the children of the fallen ones moved out from behind the pillars. Small whimpers now filled the battleground as the small golems moved with heavy hearts to gather their loved ones off the floor.


"Are you guys ready?" Fairy asked as they prepared themselves. They stood outside of an ajar door. Its wood was ancient looking and looked as though it could break from the smallest touch.

Inugami stretched himself out while Hellhound just barked out his response. Fairy took a deep breath to settle her nerves. When did she get so nervous?

Once Inugami was finished stretching, Fairy slid inside first. She looked around the area to see if there was anyone inside before signaling the team to get in.

When the two canines saw that it was alright to go in, they both walked in silently making sure to make as little noise as possible. Though even when they were being sneaky the king knew of their presence. When the mimic told him about the news of the intruders he prepared himself before they arrived.

He climbed the great pillars beforehand and was now looking down at his prey. His hands clutched the pillars tightly as he was preparing to use his special skill, Lava Blow. He had planned to crush the team under his heavy weight to finish them off, but Fairy already sensed his presence.

Fairy could feel the heat above them and looked up in to find a golem bigger than any golem that they had encountered.

"Watch out!" Fairy yelled back at the team, jumping out of the way before she got squashed.

Inugami and Hellhound did the same and skid on their side. Fairy tumbled to the ground as she curled up into a ball.

The king came down causing the team to jump a little bit. The entire building shook almost falling in on itself.

Battle start.

A/N: SHOUTOUT TO Topazstar for making me remember to update!(I'm sowwy I couldn't remember the numbers ;3;) Deepestest apologists for late update. Been lazy. •3• anywaaayyysss. I will make LONGER chaps because of da LONG updates :3. Okey. Bai Bai :3


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