Chapter 1

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(A/N: idk why so many of you seem to enjoy it, but i'm glad to see that's the case... personally i dont like how it turned out but if you enjoy it this way, i'll keep it how it is.)

With the little percentage of One For All he is able to use, he was trying his best to keep up with anything coming towards him, the tireless fight against All For One didnt seem to be stopping at all as Izuku tries his best to keep up against this one villain that his sensei tries his best to keep up to but is up to impossible for both of them to do much.

All of Japan witnessing this fight in shock and horror as Izuku Midoriya and All Might give it their all while fighting the menace of All For One with their soul but barely able to do much against this massive threat standing up on front of them. Neither of the two in the best of conditions, Izuku rushes in barely dodging incoming tendrils as he gets some cuts across his arms but this isnt enough to stop him as he grabs a nearby tube to throw it right where AFO's eyes once where but he quickly shoots it away.

AFO:"You are naive kid, I must give you credit over that."-he activates spring like limbs and combines it with air cannon-

Seeing the incoming attack, Izuku suddenly starts doing summersaults confusing All For One as he fires out his shot, but Izuku takes this to his advantage as he puts OFA at 8% to punch the ground and launch himself over the shot of Air Pressure that impacts onto a further building collapsing it at impact.

Izuku:(He wont always fall on my tricks!! I need to try something to do severe damage or stun him for enough time for All Might to do something!! Hell I may have to sacrifice my arm if things get worse...)-he thinks as he continues rushing around the place distracting AFO-

AFO:"What is the point of even doing this kid? A death wish? do you want to end it all in this spot? what is it exactly that keeps you moving every second of your life as you tried to be a hero for everyone when you can't even save yourself?"

AM:(I dont find an opening...I can't see myself doing much right now!! Dammit!! Dammit all!!)-he says as he looks at his successor giving it his all but clearly not being enough to fight off this menace, it was clear AFO was only playing around with Izuku and even Izuku himself knew it-

Meanwhile, somewhere else.

Inko:"Please...Please come out of this alive Izuku....I beg you!"-she says as she can't stop crying while looking at this chaotic scenario in front of her eyes as she is held carefully by Masaru and Mitsuki-

Mitsuki:"First my son and now yours....this damn villains...Just what do they want from us?"-she says with a sad yet angry look while seeing at the screen-

Uraraka:"Please Deku-kun....Please live this..."

Uraraka's Dad:-he holds onto Uraraka's shoulder still looking at the screen desperate-"He'll be okay should know it."

Uraraka:"I....I can only hope he will."

???:"Is there really nothing we can do to help him??"

???:-she sighs-"unfortunately not....we can't intervene in his fight."

???:"Why is it always the same??? Why is it always his fights we can't do anything about other than see him agonize in the front lines?!"

???:"........."-she grips onto Friend while looking at the green haired boy who barely dodged a tendril cutting part of his chest before he throws a steel beam onto AFO's leg-

???:"We should try and contact his mom...she is most likely hysterical at the moment."


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