chapter two

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The windows are up, and the radio is humming out a soft tune. I'm sitting on my hands, staring out the window at the passing trees and road signs. Garroth's eyes are directed towards the road, both hands on the steering wheel.

"Why do we have to go to Scaleswind for a date?" I ask, breaking my little eye game with the outside to look at Garroth. He flicks his eyes in my direction, but it isn't for long.

"You know why, baby doll."

I cringe at the nickname, scrunching my face up in disgust. He's been trying out nicknames lately, and none of them stick. This makes him seem like a creepy man hitting on me, making unwanted advances. Makes me think of something Gene would say.

"Don't call me baby doll."

"Noted," he hums, sighing afterwards. Yet another thing that has been shot down. "But you know why, Al. You have family in Meteli, and I have family in O'Khasis. Those two places are out of the question, and Phoenix Drop is a problem waiting to happen. Scaleswind is the safest route."

"And one of the farthest," I groan. I feel antsy in my seat, wanting to move my legs and run around. My hand wants to reach out and crank the radio up until I can't no more and wind the windows down until I'm shivering. I want to scream out song lyrics and blink my eyes, only for us to arrive at our destination when they open again.

I claimed I was going out to volunteer and wouldn't be back until later. Laurance didn't bat an eye at my excuse because he has plans with Garroth. Garroth would drop me off at my house, do something for a few minutes, and come by for Laurance.

For a first date, I couldn't dress up. A full face of makeup seems fishy, and anything but jeans and a t-shirt was too much. Laurance may not have seen through my excuse, but he would see through my attire. This isn't necessarily what I would call romantic.

"There aren't many miles until we are there. Don't worry, it's almost over."


The drive felt longer than the actual amount of time we were there. It was enjoyable, but the drive still felt like years taken off my life. Now, I can just sit on the couch and watch television in my pajamas. I told Laurance I would listen for the door in case Garroth would come by while Laurance was still getting ready.

This man takes too long to dress. He has the ability to dress up for an outing with my boyfriend, and I can't. How unfair is that? He also doesn't have to hide, but at least sneaking around is fun.

Thirty minutes into my show, Garroth knocks on the front door. I answer it, pretending that there isn't excitement of seeing him, and call for Laurance. He jogs down the stairs, hiking a light jacket onto his arms. Laurance ignores my comment for a warmer jacket and insists he doesn't need it for where they're going. From the look on his face and tone of his voice, it makes me scowl and feel disgusted.

"You're a pig," I scoff, rolling my eyes before walking over to the couch.

The room is large. There's a little section dedicated to the entryway, but it opens into a large room. There are stairs leading up the back wall to upstairs, and patio doors next to them. But, because the living room is right by the entryway, I can hear every word said.

"Garroth, your jacket smells like my sister," Laurance comments after a brief moment of silence. I stop in place, losing all interest in my show. I feel frozen in place, a gasp of air trapped inside my throat. That's a strange thing for him to pick up on.

"I don't know why," Garroth responds. He chuckles, but it sounds forced in my ears. "I think you're smelling things, bro. Maybe we should take you to a doctor instead."

"No, no, I'm not crazy. I know that smell. Why does it smell like my sister?"

The moment I feel eyes burning into the back of my head is when I have to slowly turn around to face Laurance. My face can't be pale. I have to fake the most innocence and oblivion that I could muster.

"I don't know either, Laur. Maybe it's from Kandi? She's been experimenting with perfumes, and I know she likes mine. Maybe she bought it to test it out and applied it by his jacket and some landed on it. Or, he was somehow around when I was applying it on myself. I'm. . . really not sure how it happened."

Laurance eyes me skeptically before turning to Garroth, evaluating him mentally before beginning to laugh. His lips curve up into a smile before he looks towards both of us. "You're right. This is all silly. You guys are barely around each other enough for something like that to happen. Let's go, eh?"

Laurance is first to walk out the door. He strides with confidence, the worry of the smell of perfume off his shoulders. Though, he does make a comment to Garroth to spray on some cologne before people begin to assume things.

Garroth turns to look at me, and we share a knowing look before he's out the door, and I'm up to lock it.

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