chapter fourteen

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"I'm invited to dinner?" I question, the words playing little tricks against the tip of my tongue. This feels like a set-up. "I'm always at your house for dinner. Why does Zianna feel the need to invite me?"

Vylad's hands are in his sweatshirt pockets. He shrugs his shoulders up to his ears, causing the fabric to bunch up. "I'm not sure. It's a special dinner, I think. She wants to make sure you'll be there."

I laugh. "Okay, but I won't go as your date. I'll be Kandi's date before yours."

Vylad kicks at a rock in the road and watches it skid away on the pavement. "Doesn't hurt my feelings. Though, I would hope you'd be my date before Garroth's." The quick turn of my head causes my ponytail to whip my eye. Vylad lifts his eyebrow at me in return. "Simply because Garroth gets all the girls. You're my best friend. There's no need to get all weird about it."

I laugh again, but it's awkward and forced. Considering the way this conversation is going, it isn't surprising for me to do so. Vylad seems bored with the conversation and nods his head when I accept the invite and tells me to be at the house by 5:30 before leaving. I watch his retreating figure for a moment before walking into my own house.

First I was invited to dinner, and then Vylad mentioned "Garroth" and "date" in the same sentence. It's starting to feel like other's know, but I know they don't.

Maybe I'm paranoid.

Cadenza's eyes light up in pure joy at the mention of the invite. While the idea is strange to me, she only sees the good in it. Not once does she say it was strange, or weird, that I was invited for dinner at a house I'm always eating at. Laurance was happy that it was one less person he had to cook for.


Garroth came over to the house, but it wasn't for me. He came a few hours before 5:00, claiming he wanted to spend some time with his "best bro" before the strange dinner Zianna would host later that evening.

I went down for an apple at 3:00, and he stopped me in the kitchen when Laurance went to the bathroom.

"You'll spoil your dinner with that apple," he snickers, walking closer to me before peeking his head around for any secret eyes. Garroth places his hands on my hips and takes a step closer to me, head tilted down to match my eye level. He fakes a movement towards my apple, and I pull it away from my lips.

"Don't even think about taking a bite out of it. I forgot to eat lunch. Shouldn't you be pawing on the bathroom door because Laurance left you alone for too long?"

Garroth's eyes roll before he grabs onto my apple and turns it around in his hand. My mouth drops when he takes a bite and lets his remaining hand release my hip. "It's a good apple, a little sour," he comments, taking another bite. "Doesn't surprise me though, with you. You always have a green one. But consider this a favor, you won't ruin your appetite for dinner. Wouldn't want my date to sit there awkwardly."

Footsteps sound down the steps, and Garroth creates more distance between us. The small of my back is still pressed against the edge of the counter, and my mouth remains agape. I would make a cocky comment, but Laurance is staring at us from the bottom of the stairs.

"Garroth just stole my apple like a little bitch," I tattle, pouting to Laurance.

"Get a new one, Irene. Don't complain."

I definitely show my age when I pout my way up the stairs.

That was the last apple.


I've been trying to unravel Zianna's intentions. She's always done something with a reason, but this reason remains unknown to me. Garroth sits across from me as Zianna sits at the end of the table, chipper than usual. Garte's here, but he doesn't seem to notice the change in air.

I've locked eyes with Garroth about four times now, each gaze of my eyes asking for any information he may have on this dinner. Vylad seems quiet from my side, and Kandi's chatter is to a minimum. If I knew any better, I'd say I'm being shipped off into an arranged marriage with one of these boys.

"Well, Alex, I can see the sparks in the air," Zianna comments, swirling the liquid in her glass around until it nearly spills over the rim. Vylad visibly stiffens, but Garroth nearly chokes on the water he's drinking from.

"Mummy, it this really approp–"

"Don't be silly, Gargar," Zianna cuts him off, waving him off with her free hand. She sips from her glass, setting it down finally before picking up her fork. I glance over at Garte to see him unbothered by his wife's antics. "I've seen flirtations. I've heard them. There has to be something there!"

My eyes lock with Garroth, and I want to shrink down in my chair when no one else can see me. My mouth immediately runs dry, and the feeling of this being a set-up from before reoccurs in flashing red lights.





"So, Alex, tell me. Which one of my boys have you fallen for?" She looks over at Garroth before smiling softly at me. Fuck. "Is it my Little Pea? You two would be such a cute couple!"

Vylad groans from my side. He caught onto what she was trying to do a long time ago, and he didn't tell me what she was doing. Garroth lets out a small sigh, and his shoulders lower from his tense state. There's a pang in my heart as I try my hardest to prevent a frown.

Instead, I try to smile and shake my head, denying the sparks Zianna sees. She begins to insist, but now Garte steps in with a question about dessert. Neither male wants to look me in the eyes.

The end of January was the beginning of my doubts that caused my relationship to decline faster. 

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