chapter nine

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"I feel like Cadenza's dress makes her look hoe-ish."

"Just because you replace "whore" with "hoe" doesn't make it any less wrong." Laurance's stupidity is something that makes me shake my head in disappointment. He shames Cadenza because she's comfortable wearing a tighter dress that supports her body type incredibly well. She's practically an adult at this point. "But funny for you to talk, Mr. What If I Just Wear An Open Button Down. Who are you trying to impress? Zane?"

"As if I'd ever try to impress him."

Cadenza giggles, "You're right. He wants to get into Garroth's pants."

Despite this being my boyfriend, I find it funny nonetheless. If Laurance swung that way, I could most certainly see him trying to do it. I'd just most likely beat him to it.

I laugh at this and tug my jacket tighter around my body. There's going to be too many cars, Laurance said. We need to walk, he continued. Stop bitching, he told me. Shut the fuck up, I told him.

"Don't make me turn us around," Laurance threatens, but he doesn't seem to be able to keep his serious composure. He cracks up with a small chuckle, soon breaking into a laugh. "I can just take off running and you two would be left trying to heel chase me."

Cadenza and I share a stare before she rolls her eyes and walks away. She'll be gone next year, and Laurance will miss her. He'll miss the playful bickering we do. It won't be the same if it's just me and Laurance.

"I'll tattle on you to Zianna," I retort.

"She'll hit you with a newspaper!" Cadenza adds.

"Why am I the one who gets ganged up on all the time? You two are a stupid duo who only attack me!"

Cadenza looks at him, slyly. "Well, we like dad."

"And I'll tattle on you to daddy too because you called Cadenza a whore."

"I said hoe-ish!"

Our bickering lasts all the way to the party. Zianna eagerly greets us and rushes us inside, insisting that our coats be placed on their bed upstairs. Cadenza sends Laurance a snicker when her outfit is called "totes adorbs" and is told to do a full 350°. Myself on the other hand kind of just dipped.

Two weeks of winter break go by quicker than I'd like them to. This is only the beginning, but it feel as though tomorrow I will blink and it's New Years Day. Then the day after that I'm back to furthering my education with math equations I'll most likely never use in everyday life.

"You're a wallflower at every event you go to."

I turn around with a cocky grin. "Only at events that bore me."

"I didn't know I was so boring."

Vylad takes my hand loosely and guides me up the stairs. We wind up in Kandi's room, and she's sitting on the floor with her heels thrown carelessly on the side of her.

They'll be all over Cadenza because of college. They'll be all over Garroth and Laurance because of ACT and what colleges they're considering. The little group of nerd misfits wouldn't have an eye bashed unless they're seen.

"How much mistletoe are we looking out for this year?" I ask.

"Three," Kandi replies.

I nod. Zianna has an odd desire to create romance amongst anyone she crosses. Somehow she always has a camera in her hands even if she's the host. She's there as if she watches your every move.

It's only a matter of time before more guests come and the downstairs booms with cries of joy. Soon, like always, Zianna will find us and scold Kandi and Vylad for being terrible hosts even if they didn't want the position to begin with. She'll mention that even Zane is a good host even if his words are limited. His awkward smiles are enough with the mask missing.

"How long do you give it until she finds us?" Vylad chuckles.

"Hour. Max," I giggle.

Kandi reaches under her bed and pulls out a worn out box. I peak in and slowly pull out a deck of cards, a board game or two, and strangely a few empty sparkling water soda cans.

Was that really our version of drinking last year?

The games have grown to be boring, and neither of us can decide what game of cards to do. Kandi brings in the idea of sneaking in some alcohol, but Vylad tells her not to because Garte would throw a fit if he found out and then I'd be in trouble.

Our old tactics have grown boring.

"Is it really time that we act like adults and go downstairs?" I ask, frowning.

"I think it is," Vylad admits, standing up. He holds his hand out to me to help me stand after I put my shoes on. He doesn't do the same for Kandi.

I should've seen that sign earlier than I actually did.


"Okay princess," a voice whispers in my ear from behind me. "When do I get my kiss under the mistletoe?"

My eyes look up to lock with Garroth's. "When you're ready to go public."

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