chapter thirteen

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Laurance has always scolded me for my leg bouncing up and down when sitting. I've found if a chair is uneven, the desire for my leg to move grows. I've never been able to sit still. And with the school day coming to an end, even weights tied to the bottom of my feet couldn't stop me from moving.

Vylad sets his hand on my leg, not even bothering to look up from his book. It's close to my knee, but I can't help but to inch away from his touch. This causes him to look at me, confused why I didn't accept it.

"You have cooties," I comment, eyeing the cover of his book carefully. He's read it twice now. "I don't want your cooties. Take them back."

"Just kiss already," Kandi mumbles. I can tell she's rolling her eyes from behind her book. Someone's salty about Jeffery. "You'll be getting enough cooties later."

"What does that mean?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing together from my pure confusion. "I'm immune to Laurance cooties. It comes with being born from the same vagina."


"Grow up, Vylad," Kandi continues. "You'll have to touch the same pencil and shit with Garroth or something. You decided you hate yourself and wanted to do study sessions with him."

"I don't mind Garroth, though."

"Give it time."

I send her a glare and fiddle with the bottom of my skirt. A book is kissed between my thigh and the side of the chair I'm sitting on, giving the impression I read without actually having to read.

Vylad gives out a huff before shutting his book, grabbing mine when he stands up. I exchange a look with Kandi when he walks off into the fiction isles behind us.

"He's in a mood," she says.

"You're also in a mood."

"Jeffery dumped me."

I didn't expect Jeffery to be the one to end the fling. Maybe he thought the relationship wasn't going to go very far, or last that long, so he ended it while it was still fairly early on. They had only been going about for two or three months, so he must've ended it early before it became too hard to let go.

That's the second relationship for this school year, a weird fling with Gene happening beforehand that lasted for about for three weeks. At least with Jeffery, it seemed like a more promising match. Gene and Kandi was a relationship I wish I never knew about, and one the boys may never hear of. Not only was it strange to think that Gene is a legal adult, perhaps not the most law-abiding, and Kandi has barely entered her teen years, she was fourteen at the time still, but the relationship on its own felt forbidden.

I know that my own relationship is "forbidden" in its own way too, but these are two different types of "forbidden." Kandi wasn't very afraid of the idea getting out. Garroth and Laurance would've most definitely thought it was in her best interest to end it, and Zane would've been thrilled with the idea that she could convince Gene to allow him to join the Shadow Knights, but Kandi wouldn't listen. She didn't listen to my own words, as she often used Vylad and myself as excuses of why she was going out. This forbidden was because of what type of people Gene and Kandi are.

My relationship is forbidden because of Laurance.

"Was it through text like with Gene?"

"No, Jeffery's too nice for that."

Jeffery also likes to follow the law.


The idea of Garroth acting embarrassed in front of Laurance because he wants a "study buddy" two years younger than him is kind of cute. His cheeks tint slightly of pink as he stares down at his feet. And if he doesn't stare at his feet, I notice he touches the back of his neck.

Garroth drove me home, and his car was parked in the driveway. Laurance was confused when he pulled in after getting some gas as to why it was here and not at his own place. I guess I forgot to tell Laurance that Garroth was coming over for me instead of him. Imagine getting cock blocked by your little sister.

Now Laurance is pouting in the living room with a headset on and controller in his hand. He told Garroth that "when he came to his senses, he'd be there." I'm his senses. He came to me.

Garroth slips his backpack off and lazily drops it next to my nightstand. He looks up at me, slightly bent over, and gives me a crooked grin. I can't help but feel a bit flustered when he sits down and holds his arms out for me to sit on his lap.

"Gar, I'm in a skirt," I comment, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Even better."

"You're a pervert," I grumble, grabbing a random pair of shorts from my dresser and slipping them on under my skirt. I undress my torso but keep my tank top on in order to shield my body from wandering perverted boyfriend eyes. At least with the shirt on, I can slip the tank top off. "Thanks for watching me. If Laurance asks, I changed in the bathroom."

He shrugs off his blazer and kicks off his shoes. My flats were already taken off lazily by my closet. Again, he reaches out for me. This time I oblige and sit in his lap, resting my head against his chest. His heartbeat is steady, and I can't help but concentrate on its rhythm. He's comfortable enough with me that it doesn't race anymore.

"What in Irene's name are you doing down there?" He chuckles, shaking his head at me. There's a moment of warmth on the center of the top of my head for a brief moment before it disappears. "You seem like you wish to nap against me."

His tie fiddles in my grasp, the fabric soft. "No, no, I'm listening to your heartbeat. It's calming."

Garroth's hand runs through my hair, getting rid of any possible knots it could have on its way down. "I wouldn't be opposed to a nap, but I don't believe your brother would appreciate me walking out of your room with wrinkled clothing."

"Your blazer has already been carelessly thrown on my floor."

"Good point."

A shriek fills the room when I find myself falling onto the bed's surface, Garroth hovering on top of me. His tie tickles my neck, and I feel it's a dreadful sight to see me in the angle he has. "What are you doing?"

"Staring at my most beautiful girlfriend," he says, leaning forward ever so slightly before I tug him down faster by his tie. 

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