chapter sixteen

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"You're not going out tonight?"

Cadenza's eyeing up an apple sitting in a bowl on the counter. She sits on a stool, looking down at her nails, before glancing over at the stairs from the sound of Laurance's voice. "Hm? I didn't see the need to do it tonight," she responds, bringing her attention back to her nails. "Felt lazy."

Laurance looks at me before glancing back at Cadenza. It's a question he doesn't dare ask because there's no point to it. I don't go out to parties very often, and I'm not going to hang out with Vylad either.

"I'll be back later then," he says, making his way to the door. "I'm locking the door."

I nod my head before sitting next to Cadenza. She's filing her nails down, so I'm assuming she plans on doing them soon. She looks up at me with a smile, but the eye contact doesn't last very long.

"You want the apple you were eyeing earlier?" I ask, motioning to the bowl in front of us. "I can get it ready while I'm in the kitchen."

"No, no, I'll get that when I'm done. I just wanted to get started on my nails before I do anything else."

It's about 8:00 at the moment. The house is quiet with all members of the male sex being gone, and Cadenza isn't much of a lively nature at the moment. She's focused on her task at hand.

I nod, reaching forward at the polishes she has in a small basket in front of her and looking through the colors. She has a lot of bottles, but the majority are just another shade of green that's different from the rest. Cadenza wears a lot of green, so she likes to match her nails to her outfits sometimes.

I come across a new shade that I haven't seen before, and I look to see she hasn't even opened the bottle yet. "Cadi, did you plan on using this shade tonight?"

She drops the file onto the counter top, reaching over for the bottle in my hands. She moves it around within her fingertips before placing it down in front of me. "I thought it was a pretty shade." Cadenza's voice is soft-spoken, yet it has the most life to it out of this whole room. "Did you want me to do your nails?"

There are times where Cadenza and I bond over little things. Little things like sitting on two stools on a weekend night doing each other's nails. Where she paints her nails another shade of green and lets me pick out the new polish she hasn't even tried. Sure, they're both green, but they're different shades.

She does mine first, and she soon settles for grapes that I flick into her mouth in between each nail being done. Cadenza fake gags a few times, but she gives me a playful look after.

It's a little after 9:30 when she's finishing up herself and Laurance comes home. He gives us a funny look when he walks in the door and tosses his coat on the chair. "Chicks doing chicks things," Laurance teases, walking over to us.

My nose crinkles at the smell of alcohol on his breath. "Brush your teeth, dude," I say. "You reek."

"I didn't do much," He says, rolling his eyes. "I ended up leaving early with Kandi. I took her home, and Garroth stayed there."

This peaks my interest. "Why did Garroth stay later?"

Cadenza leans forward with her bowl of grapes and pushes one into my mouth through my lips. I send her a short glare before looking back at Laurance. He takes a few of Cadenza's grapes and sticks them all in his mouth at once, creating chipmunk cheeks.

"I don't know why. He just said he was staying later. He seemed sober." Laurance takes the apple off the counter and takes a bite out of it, picking his coat up from the back of the couch. "I wasn't worried, or else I would've taken him with me. But, anyway, I'm showering. Someone spilled shit on me."

Laurance is quick to go up the stairs. His door sounds twice: once to open it, and once again to leave. That's when the bathroom door creaks open and shots just as quickly.

Cadenza and I lock eyes before she eats the last grape. "That's weird," she comments. "I thought Garroth would've wanted to take Kandi home." This conversation doesn't last for much longer. I help Cadenza pack up her nail supplies and watch as she trudges towards the stairs. "You're not coming with me?"

I shake my head. "I want to stay down here for a little while."

Cadenza is soon out of my sight, going into her room like Laurance had. I drop myself onto the couch and flick the television on, propping my feet on the table in front of me. It takes minutes to find what I want to watch, and the clock tells me it's running late into the night.

A few minutes in, I decide I want a snack to go along with what's on the screen. While Cadenza was eyeing up the apple earlier, I was thinking about the Oreos I've been keeping hidden in the pots and pans cabinets.

I quickly place them in a small bowl and grab a mug for the Oreos. You need milk with them. The fridge door opens, and I glance inside, hoping that Laurance didn't drink it all.

That's when there's a knock on the door. 

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