chapter fifteen

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Garroth is touchy when it comes to his hair. In the depths of his wallet, besides a hidden picture of me, there's a mini comb he keeps inside in the case of an emergency. In the glove box of his car, there's a larger one he uses far more often.

But there are moments where he doesn't care as much. During a game or practice after ripping off his helmet, and the few times he's with me.

I think he looks incredibly attractive when he doesn't bother with his hair. I like when his hair falls over his eyes, and he has to move it away. It doesn't look unkept. Sometimes it's refreshing seeing his hair amiss. Seeing it styled backwards can be a bore sometimes.

Knocks on my door ruin a moment that seems pleasant. I glance up at Garroth before siding away from him, sighing as I walk to the door. My fingers are used as a comb to put my hair back into place when the door opens to Laurance's face.

"It's oddly quiet in here," he mumbles, looking around the room. He glances at Garroth, lifting an eyebrow, before looking at me. "Why does Garroth look like that?"

"Garroth always looks like that."

"Not his hair."

I give off possibly the biggest eye roll I have ever been able to muster. I glance at the textbooks on the bed before crossing my arms over my chest.

"He doesn't understand a section, so he's been pulling at his hair," I lie, walking back over to the bed. "And it's been quiet because he's been rereading it."

Garroth glances up at me before slowly nodding his head. He turns to Laurance, his smile crooked and awkward. It seems convincing enough, but Laurance doesn't seem too convinced. He strides over and flips through my textbook, glancing over the notes Garroth had written down from class.

"Why does your hair look the way it does?"

"I've been trying to teach Garroth the lesson."

He eyes me once more before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know why I'm acting this way. Garroth wouldn't do me dirty like that and get with my sister behind my back."

Before I know what I'm doing, a laugh breaks into the air like a knife. It's awkward, forced even, and it's all from the irony. Laurance looks past this and creates a small side conversation with Garroth and walks out of the room.

Once the door shuts, I think Garroth sees me as nothing other than a ghost.

I've lied to my brother and got away with it. I cracked when he mentioned his friendship with Garroth. Otherwise, I would've been fine. The worst part of this all is that my lies are starting to become believable.

I'm harboring a boy in my room with lies on working on a stupid class.

Garroth stands and places his hand on my back. I let out a heavy sigh before leaning into him for support. "This is becoming hard," I admit, lowering my gaze to the floor. "I don't like lying, Garroth. I'm a liar."


"I've lied to everyone, and it makes me feel like actual shit. I've lied to my dad, Laurance. Your family. Garroth, Kandi and Vylad are my best friends, but they shouldn't trust me because all I do is lie to them."

He pulls me into his chest and runs his fingers through my hair. There's little he can do to calm me down but hold me close to his chest. The words he says don't process in my mind, and soon my ears eventually tune off what he says where I don't know he's talking.

It's silly, really, all this guilt. I know that if I were given the option between Garroth and the baggage that comes with him or being without him and living life like I had before, that I would choose the first option. I'd rather feel guilty and loved rather than carefree and heartbroken.

It's pathetic of me.

"Al? Alex?"

It takes me a moment to notice that his lips are moving. "Huh?"

He sighs and sits us on the bed, pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me tightly. There's a kiss pressed to the top of my head. This causes some worries to die away, but most remain a little while longer.

"I said you're just being paranoid. This will all blow over in the end."

"Would it blow over if the others knew? Or Vylad and Kandi?"

His demeanor changes, but he tries to keep his tone the same. "I know they're your best friends, Alex. Don't get me wrong, I know, but they're also my younger siblings. It'd be awkward between us three if they knew, and Kandi would slip up and tell mommy and Laurance. We can't risk that."

I nod. "You're right."

Another lie. 

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