chapter five

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There's always been this large oak tree next to my bedroom window. It's provided shade when I've desired it most, but sometimes blocks my vision of the road. I can look at the tree and the grass below it, but that's about it.

Though, one thing I've learned I can do with the tree is climb it. There are times where I find myself on the top of the roof, staring up at the stars above me. Vylad scolds me, saying it's unsafe, but it's never stopped me. He insists I lay on the grass where it's safer, but there's no fun in that.

Garroth is climbing up that tree right now.

My curtains dance while cold air sweeps into my room. My head peeks out of the window, watching his every movement. Vylad's right. Climbing up this tree is crazy when you're the one watching it happen.

It takes a few minutes, but Garroth is able to slide himself through my window and into my room. I smile up at him and reach to close the window, but he places his hands on my waist and tugs me closer to him. "Hey," I greet, feeling my hair sway slightly on my back.

His gaze is soft on me, loving. There's a sense of thrill from our actions. At this moment, I couldn't care less if we were caught or what the outcomes would be. Garroth holds me against him, and he radiates heat from his chest, even if he is outside in the cold. His grasp is comforting, but it isn't tight.

"Hey," he says.

No more words are shared. I'm left a blushing mess when I feel his lips against mine. They linger for a moment afterwards before he looks down at me once more. He doesn't let go, doesn't move. It's like he's allowing me to make the calls.

"I like that as a greeting," I awe, taking a step back from him to shut the window. The curtains fall still, but the room remains chilly.

As if it weren't enough before, he presses a kiss against the top of my head. He gently grabs onto my hand and guides us to the foot of the bed. His grip is loose, but I don't intend on removing my hand from his.

Garroth sits next to me on the bed, pulling me to his side. It's still early on in our relationship, about a month in. I favor his affectionate side when it's directed to me. I don't favor it as much when it's directed to school girls that flirt with him in the hallways.

"Is anyone else here?"

"I believe Cadenza is getting more fabric for a dress she's working on, and dad forced Laurance to come with him to the store. They should be gone a little while longer."

There are pauses in our moment together. I don't know what I could possibly do to speak, but Garroth's silence almost frightens me. He's always been one to know what to say next. I don't remember the last time he's fallen silent like this.

"Have I done something wrong?" I ask, lifting my head from his shoulder. His expression looks blank. I wonder what's going on in his head. "You're quiet."

I've always hated when someone treats me like I am a child. Their words are dumbed down for a simpler understanding, and their actions are one they act towards a child. The only difference is their voice doesn't raise in pitch with the sight of me. It upsets me nonetheless, regardless of pitch.

Garroth tries to push off my observation. He calls me a "smart cookie" and basically gives me a playful noggi on the top of my head. He looks at me, a sideways smile on his lips. It drops when he realizes I'm not amused.

"I'm not a child. Don't treat me like I am one," I say. "Now, what's wrong?"

He creates distance between us. My eyes follow as he scoots away from me and runs his hand through his hair. Garroth lets out a heavy sigh, a forced chuckle following afterwards. "I guess I'm just a little jealous," he chuckles again. It still sounds forced. "You and Vylad are so close. We can't do things like you do with him outwith others assuming things."

"Their assumptions wouldn't be false," I retort. A sigh of my own escapes past my lips. While my chest feels lighter, the heaviness in the air doesn't go away. "But you're jealous of your little brother? Gar, that's silly. I don't have any feelings for Vylad the way I do for you."

I reach out to place my hand on top of his. His eyes nearly widen, and he looks up to meet my gaze. "Princess. . ." he mutters in disbelief.

"I like that. Princess. Stick to that."

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