chapter eight

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There's always a question who takes the longest in the bathroom. With dad being gone and freeing up another bathroom, I'm beginning to think it's Laurance.

He claims I'm the one who takes the longest, but I only use the bathroom to brush my teeth, make the static of my hair go away, and to actually use the bathroom. What Laurance does there I have no idea of. Everything else I do is in front of my mirror.

"If you don't leave this bathroom right now, I'm going to piss on your pillow," I comment, rolling my eyes.

I question if when Laurance opens the door that there will be dramatic lighting and fog seeping out into the hallway. There would be ominous music playing somewhere in the background as he steps out like a villain.

"Dude, seriously. I'll be eighty by the time you get out, and it'll be harder for you to try to get into Kandi's pants because you'll be dead or something."

His music is loud from the outside of the door. I can't help but to roll my eyes when he scouts at me to use the other bathroom.

Wow, I wish I thought of that. It's not like Cadenza's getting ready for school or anything.

I've always considered myself to be a stubborn person. Not the best person, but stubborn. My feet purposely slip out from under me as I do a cliché historical romance movie action where the main character slides down the wall and balls her eyes out crying because she ruined what she thinks was her one chance at love.

Spoiler alert: it wasn't.

"I'll hook up with Garroth if you don't leave."

This appears to be of some interest to Laurance as the music shuts off suddenly. He pops his head out the crack of the now open door and eyes me. "Garroth wouldn't let you." That's what you think.

"Laurance, there's actual fog like shit spilling out of the bathroom. You can't even see the mirror. How hot was that shower?"

"Hot enough to make my tan skin red."

Eye roll number two of the morning. If he wasn't my ride to school, I'd call him an idiot. Though, I could happily hop over to the Ro'meaves' and strap myself onto the top of Garroth's car. He'd be freaking out inside, but I'd be having the time of my life.

I decide I don't want to use the bathroom as much as I thought I did just to be done with this conversation. He claims I've wasted his precious time, but Laurance is also the type of idiot to wear fake reading glasses for the "aesthetic." Meanwhile idiots like me actually have to wear them to read.

I already brushed my teeth, so I'll deal with looking like a lion for the meantime unless I use the kitchen sink to wet my hairbrush.


Cadenza liked to curl my hair. I don't know why because I never liked to sit still long enough for her to do it. Sure, I thought it was pretty too, but I really just wanted to sit in a chair.

She also liked to pull some of my hair up into a ribbon. It's like a mother styling her daughters' hair. Besides Zianna, Cadenza was the closest thing I knew to having a mother.

Sometimes I think she matured too quickly.

Even now, I think I've been forced to grow up quickly. I had to. I could've stayed childish for the rest of my life, but middle school was cut short, and I was thrown into high school.

Vylad was always the mature one out of us all. He knew what to say and what to do, but I ran away carelessly. We could be trying to cross a stream and he'd carefully cross a log. I'd try to cross in a different way and tumble in.

Maybe that's what it costs to be a Ro'meave: loss of being a child. I noticed the switch between Kandi instantly when she entered middle school. Our hangouts differed greatly. Flats changed into heels. Posture became straighter. Facial expressions hidden as her vocabulary became more formal.

I think the idea of watching everyone getting older made me realize I should do the same. I didn't want to be the child of the group. If I'm taking advanced classes, I needed to act more mature. People would stare at you funny, or they'd tease you, if you acted your age.

But even if you act older, they stare at you anyway.

"What kind of life do you have if all you do is study?"

I have to push my glasses back up onto the bridge of my nose when I look up. They started to slip when I was staring down. "I don't know if I'd call this studying, but it's my life."

"It sounds like a shitty life."

My eyes narrow at Garroth before looking back down at my book. "It's my life. Besides, since when do you come to the library?"

He laughs and plucks a random book off the shelf. He plops himself onto the beanbag next to me and opens the book. Garroth makes it seem that he's reading, but I can tell the book is upside down.

"Since someone told me to go to the library more."

I glance up from the pages. "It may look more convincing if the book was right side up, Garroth. Kandi and Vylad should be here any minute now."

His cheeks tint a light shade of red before he turns the book to the correct viewing. He can't say it was published like that. Vylad read it last week.

A shadow looms over me that causes me to have to look up once more. It's Vylad, but Kandi stands near him. They equally look confused.

"What's Garroth doing here? He doesn't read," Kandi comments.

Garroth looks at her, offended. "Maybe I wanted to get into it. Rude of you to say that I shouldn't be in our school library that our parents pay for us to have access to."

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