Chapter 2

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Thursday 26.

Sun is up. Birds are happily chirping at my window. And I am pooped again.

It took a lot to convince Danny that moving in was a good thing but he finally agreed. I have an extra room that I am certainly not going to use as a guest room for when my dad comes over. He can come visit anytime but there is absolutely no way he is staying over. He loves his house too much to leave it for one night.

"Danny? Wake up. We've got work."

"No... We've got beach!"





"Fine! Go to the beach and have fun. I'll do the work alone." I get out of bed, annoyed by his unwillingness to help. He is a hard-worker. He is very polite and helpful. But when he decides to be a lazy ass, there is nothing you can do about it.

Would it be bad if I kick him out of the house the very first day?

I am almost in the kitchen when strong arms hug me from behind and I instantly feel Danny's warmth on my skin. It always makes me feel good but I must not forget that I am annoyed. He gets away with everything too easily too many times.

"Get off of me!" I try to wriggle free. I am quite flexible but his arms are made of steel.

"I will. After a good shower with my bestie." He literally drags me backward till we reach the shower.

As unbelievable as this might seem, we really just take a shower to get rid of the night. He even helps me to wash my hair and detangle it, not forgetting the head, shoulder and neck massage. I hate it when he does exactly what I like when I am mad at him. And I also love it when he is so caring. I don't know how he manages to be the best and worst friend ever.

"I'm sorry for letting you down. Let's go to the seaside. When we come back, you'll take a shower and relax. I'll unpack the rest of your things and clean up. Just tell me where each thing goes. You can be my supervisor today." He kisses me on my temple.

"Hmm... Okay!" He will certainly come back home, completely tired. He will fall asleep on the couch, all salty. Then I will find myself unpacking alone. I just know it.

But I also know that he is being sincere right now. He really wants to help. He just won't have enough strength to do so after a day at the beach.


"Ai, come on! The water is good." Danny shouts from the appealing blue sea, with narrowed eyes because of the blazing sun. Seeing his face and chest glistening with the water, it does make me want to join him.

"Temperature is perfect." He adds as he gets no response from me. He slides his tongue along his lips to tempt me and I can't help but let out a laugh, making him frown as he doesn't understand this sudden outburst.

"You don't have to slide your dirty 'beep' licking tongue on it to check the temperature." I throw and he gets the same reaction as me a few seconds earlier as he now realizes where I am taking this.

An old lady right beside me glares at me and shakes her head as she goes back to minding her own business.

I censored myself. Why is she pissed? I don't know what is wrong with her. Ever since we arrived, she has been glaring at me for no reason, with disgust all over her face. Danny saw it too. And Danny doesn't like it. She is not getting away with it. I can feel it.

"Let it be known that Danny Baby has licked it and it was salty as hell." We both burst into laughter, replaying Jesse's conversation with Miss Emma Neilson yesterday.

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