Chapter 7

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"You're late." Danny throws as I get in the car exactly three minutes late.

"Good morning, Danny. Yes, I'm good. I slept only two hours last night because of anxiety but I succeeded in waking up on time, getting ready on time. I'm only late cause I was busy making you coffee and lunch. Oh, you're welcome. That's what best ever friends do for each other." I am already irritated by the lack of sleep. He better not push it.

"Ginger bread, fresh lettuce, sliced tomatoes, grilled chicken and smoked sausages, with mustard, Ketchup, a load of cheese and your secret sauce?" This guy is still a child.

"Yeah with-"

"A little pepper on top." He knows that by heart. It is his favorite. Well, everything I make is his favorite but this one has a special spot in his heart. Maybe because it holds memories.

When we were still kids, we would always run into the kitchen to help mom prepare the sandwiches. We would put some slow music on, sway and sing out loud. Danny and I would get on top of the counter with sandy feet to complete our dance choreography and mom would burst into laughter, letting us live our childhood to the fullest. Only good memories.

"I miss her too." He adds, probably reading my facial expression. There are things that I just can't hide.

"I know. Let's go." I shake my head to keep the tears away. I can't break now.

"Why is Pretty Boy so pissed?" He questions, making me look outside where Jesse is kicking an empty box that is almost destroyed.

"Isn't that his default mood? It's not as if Dylan came here last night and saw him shirtless on my couch. Add to that Dylan telling him that he was the guy I couldn't stand and Jesse leaving the house, totally pissed off."

"What? What was Dylan doing here? And why was Pretty Boy shirtless? A family gathering with so much drama without me. I am heart-broken." Oh, well...

"And I'm scared. Pretty Boy will kick me out for sure." Why wouldn't he? I would kick myself out if I could.

"That's why you didn't sleep well? And you still managed to make lunch for me? You're a queen, Ai. Thank you." He says with all the tenderness in the world, bringing back some comfort.

"I thought we were late? Don't you have a big meeting to attend?"

"You mean a big meeting to preside over..." He strokes his hair back, keeping an irritating smug face.

"Alright, Mr. Broke... Ahem! I mean... Mr. Chairman."

"Ha! Jealousy won't lead you down a good road, Miss Smith." He leans over to buckle my seatbelt as I am too busy making fun of him.

"Oh, Honey! I don't do roads. I got jets. I fly high..."

"Yeah! You read too much. Fairytale dreams only mean you're unnecessarily worried, you know... Get down that pretty little cloud and face Pretty Boy's wrath now. And Dylan's disgust. Haha! I'm surprised he let Jesse go."

"How do you know that? You've been having dreams about fairytales? Whoa! Danny, the princess and her little pea brain." I laugh, trying to unsee the damage Jesse inflicted on this poor carton. I know it is actually my head he wants to kick.

"Here you go again. You're always dodging conversation. You just can't be serious a minute. It's irritating. Boring. Tiring." He exhales loudly as he starts and drives off the driveway.

For an unknown reason, I stay quiet, looking out the window, totally paralyzed by fear.

Is Danny fed up of me? Is this the time I was dreading? Is he going to leave? I am not ready.

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