Chapter 8

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"Danny? Wake up." I kick his thigh as I can't get him to open his eyes. Lifting him up is not something I feel like trying. I care for my fragile bones.

Seeing this load of flesh just lying on my white tiles in the dark almost killed me. The moonlight making his face recognizable just in time spared me from a heart attack. But then I panicked cause I thought something bad had happened to him. I rushed to his side only to find out the only one who has been in danger the whole time was the bottle of Whisky he fell asleep with.

I didn't mind until I caught sight of which bottle of Whisky it was. My Balvie Darling, as I named it. That pig downed a precious birthday gift I had been saving for a special occasion. Well, Jesse kissing me for the first time might be one, but I am the one who is supossed to feel the burn. Dumbass, Danny. I am going to kill him.

"Danny, get the fuck up. NOW!" I shout, leaning on him to give him a few taps on the cheeks.

"Stop!" He tries to block my hands without opening his eyes. His tongue is heavy as hell, flushed face, teary eyes and the usual messy head. And that idiot still looks sexy.

"I'm so not. You deserve it. What were you thinking?" I rage even more while bringing him in a sitting, head and back against the wall.

Without answering nor looking up, he grabs me by the thighs and draws me close to him. I force myself forward and down as he directs me so as not to fall all over him. So, now I am unwillingly straddling him, feeling his slight arousal against me. How is this even possible? He can't even open his eyes.

"Danny, what are you up to? It's almost three in the morning. Ain't a time to play." I throw my hands in the air as I can't get him to take his hands off of my thighs.

"Time never mattered before. Nothing mattered before." He succeeds in uttering, lowering his head till it meets my chest.

"What do you mean?" I hold his hair back to keep them off my chin and mouth. I can't stand his breath but he got me all curious now.

"It's all about him now." He huffs, pulling me closer.

So, all of this is because of what happened with Jesse. You can count on Danny to make a mountain out of a molehill. A drama queen, for real.

"Come on, let's go to bed. You need some rest." I try to get up but he squeezes me in his arms and I swear I can feel my chest getting wet. Is he crying?

"Danny! Let me look at you." I pull away a little, lifting his head up. This idiot is really crying.

"Oh, come on now... Let's get in the shower." I gather all my strength and risk a fracture or two, struggling to get him up.

"Danny? Danny, can you hear me?" He is gone again. I won't be able to drag him to the room nor the bathroom.

Do I call Jesse for help or do I just let 'Sleeping Beauty' sleep on the floor? My stupid heart aches at the sight of him in this state even while raging.

He is going to be mad if I call Jesse and the latter sees him in this position and helps take his drunk ass to the room. That won't sit well with his ego.

I better get a pillow and a comforter.

"Stay with me." He says semi-consciously as I get him to lie down. The way he is grabbing my hand shows I am not getting away from here.

"Fine!" I lay by his side and start stroking his back like I am putting a baby to sleep.

Danny baby! We are both going to wake up with a terrible headache in the morning.

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