Chapter 3

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Friday 27.

"Nope! We talk to him first or we don't talk about it at all. And you know what that implies." Daniel stands his ground, not willing to officially move in before we speak to Jesse.

"I don't think he will take this well for the time being. He saw us starting the shamashingshing but if we give him some time to erase those images, I'm sure he'll say yes. Stay with me!" I plead, holding his arm tighter as we walk through the fruit stalls.

"The shamashingshing? Why can't you just say sex?" He asks a little too loud, causing a mom to glare at him while covering her daughter's ears.

"I'm sorry!" He mouths at her with a charming smile and fake remorse in his eyes. The lady instantly gets all mushy and forgiving. No one stays angry at Danny for longer than three seconds.

"You're a dog. Her daughter is with her." 

"The little girl didn't hear anything. She was too absorbed in her candy bag. I was just loud enough to get the mom's attention. Single moms are the best. They've got experience and maturity. They take care of you differently. And most importantly, they are independent women who have things to do instead of being on your back all day long. I admit, some get attached. That's why you need to be clear on your intentions right from the start so as not to break anyone's heart. You just give them a shamashingshing they won't ever forget, get some and leave on good terms."

"Danny, if I don't ask, it's cause I don't want to know. Go ahead and talk to her if that's what you want." I put half a dozen apples and a load of oranges in the plastic basket, then proceed to pay.

"You really think I'm a dog, huh? I'm not in the mood. You're sick and I need to take care of you. I only let you come with me to buy some fruits because you need some fresh air." Oh, really?

"I don't know. I think the fact that I have the money and the car helped you make up your mind." I tease.

"This and all the threats and the pouting I got from you since you woke up. You're terrible when you're sick. You just don't know how much I want to hit you and keep you locked in your room with a gag on." He complains as if I ever told him to stop living and take care of me when I am sick. 

"You are literally my shadow. You're constantly hanging at my house and when I go out, you tag along. As if you can't go a day without me." Truth. Truth. And truth.

"Yeah! You must- Fuck! Steph is coming this way. Don't take her seriously, okay?" He warns with a frown as his ex girlfriend makes her way to us. I wonder what the great Stephanie Chestnut is doing at the market. This is absolutely not her scene.

"Daniel, my love. It's been a long time. How glad I am to see you..." She throws herself into him, expecting a hug. She chuckles lightly when the latter doesn't react and keeps his arms at his sides.

"Stephanie! We saw each other not so long ago. I believe it was at the gas station last week. For the umpteenth time, let me introduce you to my bestfriend, Aiden. You've known her for years but still can't remember to greet her when we meet. Manners don't cost a dime, you know." Aw. The Danny mode is activated.

"Danny, darling... I only care about people who matter to me. You should know that by now." She caresses his cheek and he lets her. This is so Danny and Steph. Sometimes he is rude like he is going to strangle her to death and other times he is gentle like he actually cares. He is still trying to keep his head high after their terrible breakup. It happened two years ago and they are still not over it.

"It's Daniel. Danny is for people who matter to me. And people who matter to me are Aiden and those who respect Aiden."

"Good for you. You deserve each other and the toxic relationship you're in. I still can't believe you chose her over me. You never saw my worth." 'I HAVE A DEATH WISH' is written in bold on her forehead. She is looking for the man.

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