Chapter 12

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Okay! I am done waiting for Danny to pick up his phone. I am going straight to his place to have a serious talk with him. He can't just turn his back on me without some sort of explanation.

I grab my keys on the counter and open the front door, ready to throw a bigger tantrum than my bestfriend.

"Hey!" Jesse greets as I get out, making me jump.

"Hey!" I greet back hurriedly. I don't have time to waste. It is already eleven. By the time I get to Danny's place, it will be half past eleven. Conversation may take one hour and heading back home, thirty more minutes. Which means I will be back here at one in the morning. Ugh! Doesn't feel right but I can't sit here and wait.

"Whoa! What happened to your head?" I wish he was a Lilliputian so he wouldn't see things like the bandage on top of my head or hickeys on my neck and everything that has nothing to do with it. That nosy bastard.

"I got hit by a truck. And it drove off and left me here for dead. A long night here crying in the rain." I wear my best serious face as I quote the lyrics to Labrinth's song, The Feels. He frowns a little, tilting his head as he looks at me weirdly. And all of a sudden, a smile appears on his face.

"Let me guess... Then you got touched by God and it fucked you up like an electrical current crossing through your veins? Lightning came and hit you again?" He twists the lyrics a little bit with all the sarcasm of the world.

"Damn it. You know that song too? I can't even mess with you. You suck." I complain, heading for my car.

"Where are you off to at this hour? It's not safe. And I don't think it is wise to drive after you hit your head so bad you needed stitches." He follows me to the car.

"How do you know I had stitches?"

"I just had three, remember?"

"Oh, yeah. Hope you're feeling better." I get in the car, grateful that Danny left it here. But also sad cause it means he might have walked so many miles back home. I hope he has taken the bus instead.

"Aiden. I'm serious. You shouldn't drive so late. Just get back into the comfy house you're paying for and spare yourself the trouble. Please..." He pleads, keeping his hand on the door handle.

"Last time we talked, you said I deserved what was happening to me. You were right. Right now, I am trying to make peace with that bitch called Karma. Can you please get out of the way?" I insert the key into the ignition, starting the car. It feels like it has been months since I last drove my baby. Her sweet roar is heart-warming.

"Aiden, please..."

"It's not safe? Fine. Tag along then." I wait for him to make an excuse. We both know he can't leave for too long. For whatever reasons.

"I can't." He says after a few seconds of deep reflection.

"That's what I thought. Words and actions, Jesse. Words and actions. The difference between boys and men." I close the door and drive away from his seemingly worried ass.

I drive the few miles to Danny's house as fast as I can, respecting the speed limit. I don't know what went through his mother's head to buy a house in a remote area where there is not a soul in sight after five in the afternoon. Only big trucks driving by at every hour of the day and night. These big trees siding the road are freaking me out. But then again, Janet has never been the same since her husband left her. I can't really blame her or be judgmental of her sanity.

Damn! Where am I going? I hit the brakes as I realize I am risking my life in the middle of nowhere for nothing. Danny and Janet do not live here anymore. They live at his grandma's house. Fucking head injury.

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