Spock x Vulcan reader

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OK, before I start, this was requested by mel_fandom. I am so sorry in advance if this is not how you wanted it or if it's not any good. I'm also sorry that it took so long to write. So, without further ado, let's begin.

Spock had never been in love before. That was, however, until he met Y/N. You were one of the few remaining Vulcan's after your home planet was destroyed by the Romulans. He thought that you were possibly one of the nicest people that he had ever met. And over the few weeks that he had gotten to know you, he had started to fall in love with you. But he wasn't sure how to tell you. On the other hand, you weren't sure what to make of Spock's actions. You weren't sure what to make of him. He seemed really kind and he had even suggested that you would make a fine addition as a science officer aboard the Enterprise which you were thankful for. But the was something about him that confused you. So, in order to work out what was going on with Spock, you went to talk to Kirk and Bones. They had known him longer than you had so you hoped that they could help you. When you found them, they were in one of the rec rooms aboard the Enterprise. As you walked over to them, they looked over to you and smiled. During your time aboard the Enterprise, you had become quite good friends with the pair. "Hello, Y/N. How are you today?" Jim asked with a smile as you sat down. "I actually wanted to ask you something," you said. "Sure. Ask away and you know that we'll try to help as best as we can," Bones answered with a smile. "Well, it's about Spock. When I first met him, he was quite confident. But know whenever I talk to him, or even in the same room as him for that matter, he seems nervous for some reason and I'm worried about him. So, I was just wondering if you knew if he was alright?" you asked. Jim had a thoughtful look on his few before he answered.

"Well, I could be wrong, but from the sounds of it and what I've seen, I think he cares about you a lot," he said with a smile. "How do you mean?" you asked, confused. "What I mean is that I think he loves you," Jim replied. As you thought about it, you thought that he might be right. In the time that you had known Spock, you had begun to care about him. But having been raised on Vulcan, you weren't sure on how to express your emotions. But Jim and Bones both offered to help you with that. A few days later, you were in the science lab when Spock came in holding a report. "Good morning, commander. How are you today?" you asked politely. "I am good, thank you, Y/N. How are you, today?" Spock responded. "I'm good, thank you. How can I help you today?" you asked with a small smile. "I was going to compare the results from the last planet that we visited to the results from the last few planets. Would you like to help?" Spock inquired. You agreed and eventually got to work. After a while, you were eventually all done with the results. Whilst you were going through all of the results, you and Spock had gotten closer. Once you were all done with your work, you realised how late it was and Spock offered to walk you back to your room. You agreed with him and walked back to your room. When you got there, Spock finally admitted his feelings for you. You smiled and admitted your feelings for him which caused him to smile.

There we are. All finished. Once again, mel_fandom, I am so sorry that it's taken me so long to write this. But I hope that you enjoyed it anyway.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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