What you call him

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Kirk: Jimmy boy, captain Tiberius perfect hair
Spock: t'hy'la
Bones: grumpy pants, doc
Sulu: Karu
Chekhov: pav, pasha
Scotty: Monty (if you get the film reference, then well done) lovable Scotsman
Khan: soldier, Sherlock( if you get the reference with this one then well done)
Wesley Crusher: Wes, babe

Sorry that this has taken a while. I've been busy with school and stuff. More chapters will be up soon but I don't know when. And I will take requests if anybody has any. So if you so, request away. Until the next chapter, bye for now.

Authors note

I forgot to mention this sorry  but the Spock ones in this chapter and the last one mention the Vulcan word, "t'hy'la". It means, friend, brother, lover.

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