Favourite song

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Kirk: Bofurs song from The Hobbit(he thinks its funny)
Spock: Wonderland by Natalia Kills( he thinks it shows how you should just be happy in a relationship and to not expect a fairy tale)
Bones: toxic by Britney Spears ( he thinks it shows how toxic your love is)
Hikaru: me and Mr Jones by Amy Winehouse( he thinks it shows how you should not let people come between you and the person you love)
Chekhov: misty mountains cold from The Hobbit ( it makes him think of life as an adventure and you are the treasure)
Scotty : blunt the knives from the hobbit( he loves how the dwarves seem like the crew of the Enterprise, bones seems like Thorin Oakenshield, who is stubborn, and Spock seems like Bilbo Baggins, who is a bit of a clean freak)
Khan: the fine brew of the green dragon from the lord of the rings( it was the song that was playing when you both went to a bar and he became addicted to it)
Wesley Crusher: hey ho to the bottle I go from the lord of the rings ( he likes it because its funny and because he thinks that you are like Pippin and he's like Merry)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. More coming out soon.

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