He asks you out/ first kiss

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Asks you out

A few weeks after you met, you noticed he was more shy around you. Then you began getting notes from a secret admirer saying how beautiful you are. The next day, Jim asked you out and you said yes.

First kiss.

You kissed after you said yes.


Asks you out

He was always shy around you. So one day you decided to get to know him better and you both went to rec room 5. Then he asked you out and you said yes. First kiss

He kissed you before you left to go back to your room.


Asks you out

You were working in med bay when Bones asked you out.

First kiss

You kissed straight after.


Asks you out

He asked you out after you two had finished your shift's.

First kiss

A week later, you had your first kiss.


Asks you out

What with him being shy, he sent you a note saying how he felt about you and asking you if you would be his girlfriend. You wrote a note back saying yes.

First kiss

You kissed 6 months later.


Asks you out

He had invited you to rec room 5 to have a chat and have some Scotch whisky and he asked you out to which you said yes.

First kiss

You kissed 10 minutes after finishing the whisky.


Asks you out

He asked you out the day after you met and you said yes.

First kiss

You kissed the day after he asked you out.

Wesley Crusher:

Asks you out

He asked you out the day after you met and you said yes.

First kiss

You kissed the next day.

I'm sorry it's terrible but the next   one will be better by miles. But I hope you liked it nonetheless. Bye for now.

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