How you met

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Kirk: you met after the bar fight and you immediately became friends(2009 Star Trek)
Spock: you were on your first diplomatic mission to Vulcan and Spock was asked to show you around
Bones: you met in med bay as you were coworkers
Hikaru: Pavel was ill with flu for a few weeks so you stood in. Then Hikaru asked your name and you became friends
Chekov: you were both friends with Hikaru so you met through him.
Scotty: you met in a bar in Scotland and you challenged him to a drinking competition (which surprisingly, you won)
Khan: you were one of his crew mates so he already knew you
Wesley Crusher: you met on the bridge as he was talking to captain Picard and you were talking to commander Riker.

I hope you enjoyed and I know I haven't updated since last month but I've been revising for tests. So I may not update for a while and if you have any requests then just ask me to write it and I  will try and write them when I can. So, bye for now.

Star Trek ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora