Request @lyrakirk

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Lyra's POV

Love isn't always simple. It can start out good and end up bad or it can start bad and end good. Trust me, I know, the second one happened to me. But I'm getting too far ahead. Let me start from the beginning. It all started at the academy.  I met Jim after he beat the Kobayashi Maru which was designed by my best friend, Spock. Spock didn't like the fact that Jim beat the test but I thought it was cool how he beat the test. We became friends after that. As time went on I realised that I loved him. The only people who knew were Spock and my older brother, Scotty. A few weeks after the events with Krall, I  was passing Jim's quarters when I overheard Jim asking Nyota to marry him and my heart broke when she said yes. I ran to one of the observation decks and just stayed there. A few hours later, I heard someone come in and I turned around and saw it was Spock and Scotty. When they saw I'd been crying, they both came over and gave me a hug.

"What's up, Lyra?" Spock asked. " I passed Jim's room earlier and I overheard him asking Nyota to marry him and she said yes," I replied, starting to cry again. " Well, he obviously doesn't know what he's missing. He is an idiot and to be honest, I wish he would wise up," Scotty said. " How about we go back to your room and watch a film?" Spock suggested. " I'd like that" I said. We all went back to my room, but on the way there we bumped into Jim and Nyota.  "Hey guys,  guess what," Jim started, but Scotty cut him off. " Just bog off, Jim," he said, and then we started to walk away, leaving Jim and Nyota standing there in shock. When we got to my room, I asked them what film they wanted to watch and they said The Hobbit. After the first one ended, we decided to have a movie night once a week.  After that,  I avoided Jim for a while.

Jim's POV

Why is Lyra avoiding me? Have I done something wrong?  I'll have to ask Scotty or Spock.  Oh, great. Here comes Nyota. We had a one-night stand a few weeks ago and a couple of days later she said she was pregnant so I asked her to marry me and she said yes.  But it turns out she wasn't pregnant and just said she was so that she could say she married a captain so I broke off the engagement. I never loved her anyway. I love Lyra. Oh no. Maybe Lyra heard me asking Nyota to marry me and that's  why she's been avoiding me. Does that mean she....loves me? "HI, Jim," Nyota said in a horrible flirty voice. " How can I help you, commander?" I said, annoyed." I was wondering, if you aren't busy tomorrow," she started but I just glared at her which shut her up. "I'm busy now please go back to your station commander, or else you'll be dismissed," I said. She turned around and walked back to her station while I sat

The next day

I was on the bridge and Lyra came in with something for Spock to sign. He seemed to notice me staring and told her after which she left.  I went up to Spock and said," Mr Spock, can I talk to you for a minute, please?" We went to the rec room and I sat down while spock stood there. "May I ask why you wanted to talk to me, captain?" Spock asked. "Straight to the point as usual. I wanted to talk about Lyra," I said. To be honest, Spock looked rather bemused. "What about her, captain?" he asked, confused. " Well, considering your her best friend and almost like a second brother to her, I was wondering if shed mentioned why shed been avoiding me?" I asked. "Ask her yourself, considering she's right behind you", he said. I turned around and there she was with an angry look on her face. That couldn't be good. "What do you want, Jim?" she asked. " I wanted to know why you've been avoiding me," I said. " Well, let me see. Try the fact that I was foolish enough to fall in love with you and then I heard you asking Nyota to marry you and her saying yes. You try having that happen to you, Jim," she said, yelling the last part. " Well what if I told you that Nyota and I aren't engaged and that I love you?" I asked. She looked shocked.

"What?" she asked. I walked up to her smiling. "I love you. and I will never stop loving you," I said, and suddenly I looked down at the floor. I didn't want to look her in the eye in case she said she didn't love me. I felt her lift my chin up and when I was looking at her, she kissed me. I immediately kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me while she wrapped her arms around my neck.  when we pulled apart for air, I was smiling. " will you be my girlfriend, lyra?" I asked. "yes," she replied. then I pulled her in for another kiss.

and there we have it. I hope you all liked it, especially you, lyrakirk. don't be afraid to request guys, cause I will be happy to write any requests you may have. thanks for reading

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